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Can you guess? What is it ? 1.Be quick find a lot information be international 2. Use to listen music, news… have many channels such as: FM, SW1… INTERNET.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you guess? What is it ? 1.Be quick find a lot information be international 2. Use to listen music, news… have many channels such as: FM, SW1… INTERNET."— Presentation transcript:



3 Can you guess? What is it ? 1.Be quick find a lot information be international 2. Use to listen music, news… have many channels such as: FM, SW1… INTERNET RADIO

4 3. Provide a lot of programs : film, music, sport, news… 4. Contain news, articles… printed daily or weekly. TELEVISION NEWSPAPER



7  Before you read work with a partner; ask and answer the following questions 1.When do you often watch TV? 2.How many channels are there on our national TV? 3.How many hours per week do you watch TV?

8 VOCABULARY 1.News [nju:z] (n) 2. Wildlife world ['waildlaif wə:ld] 3. Quiz show [kwiz ∫ou] 4. Cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] 5. Sport /spɔ:t/ 6. Weather forecast ['we đ ə fɔ:kɑ:st] 7. Folk songs ['fouksɔη] 8. Comedy / 'kɔmidi/


10 Task1: decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1.There are five news programmes on three channels. 2.There is a comedy programmes on between 10:15 and 11:00 3.The nature of language is a documentary programme at 15:15 on VTV2. 4.The film Punishishment is show at 4:15 p.m on VTV1. 5.VTV1 starts at 5:35 and ends at 23:30. T F     

11 Let’s correct the false information 3.The Nature of Language is a documentary programme at 15:15 on VTV2 VTV3

12 5. VTV1 starts at 5:35 and ends at 23:30. starts

13 Task2 : work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions: 1.How many films are there? 2.What time can you watch the news? 3.Which channel do you recommend to someone who likes animals? 4.What programme is on on VTV3 at 7:30? 5.Which channel will you watch if you like folk song ? 6.What is the last programme on VTV3? There are five At 9:00 a.m, 12:00 at noon, 7: p.m, 11 p.m on VTV1 and 7:00 p.m on vtv3 VTV2 The quiz show Football VTV1

14 AB 1. cartoon 2. drama 3. comedy 4. documentary a. a play for the theatre, television or radio. b. a film or a television programme giving facts about something c. a film made by photographing a series of changing drawings d. a film or a play that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending Task 3 : The words in A appear in the reading passage. Matching them with their definitions in B.




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