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Practice Which programmes do the Chan family like best? Why? ? ?

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2 Practice

3 Which programmes do the Chan family like best? Why? ? ?

4 Because they’re exciting. Why do you like watching dramas? Which programmes do the Chan family like best? Why? Which programme do you like watching ? I like watching dramas.

5 Which programmes do the Chan family like best? Why? ? ?

6 Which programme do you like watching ? I like watching quiz shows. Why do you like watching quiz shows? Because they’re interesting.

7 Which programmes do the Chan family like best? Why? ? ?

8 Which programme do you like watching ? I like watching sports programmes. Why do you like watching sports programmes? Because they’re exciting.

9 Which programmes do your family like best ? Why? News ? Weather reports? Cartoons ? Quiz shows? Nature programmes ? Sports programmes ? Dramas ? Because they’re amusing.Because they’re interesting.Because they’re exiting.

10 The end

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