The Heart By: Erin Sawyers. Anatomy Blood Flow Sinus Rhythm  Normal rhythm of a healthy heart  Set by Sinoatrial (SA) Node- natural pacemaker  Normal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Heart By: Erin Sawyers. Anatomy Blood Flow Sinus Rhythm  Normal rhythm of a healthy heart  Set by Sinoatrial (SA) Node- natural pacemaker  Normal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Heart By: Erin Sawyers

2 Anatomy

3 Blood Flow

4 Sinus Rhythm  Normal rhythm of a healthy heart  Set by Sinoatrial (SA) Node- natural pacemaker  Normal cardiac impulses start there and are transmitted to the atria and down to the ventricles  Normal adult: 60-80 beats/min.


6 Cardiovascular Disease  Arrhythmia  Heart Attack  Stroke  Aortic Stenosis  Coronary Artery Disease  Hypertension  Rheumatic Fever/Heart Disease  Congestive Heart Failure

7 Arrhythmias BRADYCARDIA:  Heart rate lower than normal  Less than 60 beats/min.  Caused by aging, some medications, or diseases that cause damage to hearts electrical system

8 Bradycardia: Symptoms  Asymptomatic or:  Dizzy  Drop in blood pressure  Lightheaded  Tired  Chest Pain  Shortness of breath

9 Bradycardia: Treatment  Treatment depends on cause  If no symptoms present, then no treatment is given  Pacemaker may be used for treatment  If for some reason severe bradycardia is not treated, it can lead to other serious problems, including fainting and injuries from fainting, seizures, and death.


11 Tachycardia  Heart rate higher than normal  100-180 beats/min as occurs during exercise or other conditions that lead to increased SA nodal firing rate  Caused by heart disease, an overactive thyroid gland, fever, or by drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages

12 Tachycardia: Symptoms  Breathlessness  Upset stomach  Chest pain  Weakness  Fainting spells

13 Tachycardia: Treatment  SELF HELP:  Splash face with cold water  Take a slow drink of water  Holding your breath  ADVANCED TREATMENT (PHYSICAIN):  Medication  Apply pressure to arteries


15 PVC’s  Premature Ventricular Contraction  The ventricles fire an early impulse which causes the heart to beat earlier causing irregularity in the heart rhythm.  Commonly caused by excessive caffeine intake, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and some medications

16 PVC’s  Usually harmless except with pre-existing disease  Common in teens in young adults  Early or extra heartbeats  Feeling that the heart “Skips a beat”

17 PVC’s: Symptoms  Can be asymptomatic  Palpitations in chest and neck  Weakness  Dizziness  Syncope (Fainting)  Feeling that the heart briefly stopped

18 PVC’s: Treatment  If asymptomatic no treatment is necessary  If they are frequent or symptomatic medication may be recommended


20 Heart Murmur  Lubb dubb dubb  Swishing or whistling sound  Caused by defective heart valves  Can be caused by heart attack, hypertension, fever, or anemia  Some can be harmless

21 Heart Attack  Myocardial Infarction  Occurs when the blood flow to part of the heart is blocked.  If blood flow is completely cut off, part of the heart muscle begins to die.

22 Heart Attack  Sudden and Intense Warning Signs:  Chest discomfort  Shortness of breath  Nausea  Lightheadedness

23 Stroke  Caused by the clogging of the blood vessel that supplies oxygen to the brain.  Can also be caused by the rupture of the vessel  Effects are sudden and immediate

24 Stroke Warning Signs:  Numbness  Confusion  Trouble seeing  Trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance  Sudden severe headache

25 Aortic Stenosis  Caused by normal “wear and tear”  Symptoms include: Shortness of breath, chest pain, blackout spells, lightheaded  Diagnosed by Echocardiograms  Question is not whether to do surgery, but when

26 Coronary Artery Disease  America’s number 1 killer  arteries that supply blood to the heart become hardened and narrowed due to plaque buildup  blood flow to the heart muscle is reduced causing the muscle to not receive the amount of oxygen needed  Can contribute to heart failure and arrhythmias

27 Hypertension  High blood pressure  The danger is that you usually can’t tell if you have high blood pressure  No signs and no one knows what causes it  Can lead to hardened arteries, heart failure, stroke, or heart attacks

28 Rheumatic Fever/ Heart Disease  Serious inflammatory condition  Symptoms generally appear within five weeks after untreated strep throat  Interferes with normal blood flow to heart  Symptoms include: weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain.  No cure  Now has become relatively uncommon

29 Congestive Heart Failure  Heart can’t pump enough blood  Signs: Fatigue, shortness of breath, irregular heart beat, coughing or wheezing, and fluid retention  Develops after other cardiac conditions have damaged or weakened your heart.

30 Women vs. CVD  Claims more women’s lives than the next five causes of death combined!!  About 500,000 women’s lives a year  Risk increases with age. Over 45 million women were 50 and older.  Lives CVD claimed: 483,842 Cancer: 267,902  Still, some believe that CVD is not a real problem for women.

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