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 Transports nutrients and removes waste from the body.  Supplies blood and oxygen to the body.

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2  Transports nutrients and removes waste from the body.  Supplies blood and oxygen to the body.

3  Heart  Arteries  Veins  Lungs  Kidneys

4  Superior Vena Cava  Right and Left atrium  Right and left ventricle  Aorta  Pulmonary artery  Arteries › Supply the oxygen to the heart muscle

5  Arteries › Carry blood away from the heart › Oxygenated › Carries oxygen all parts of the body  Veins › Carry blood to the heart › Deoxygenated › Carries carbon dioxide and other waste

6  Lungs › Where the blood picks up oxygen once you inhale › Allows the release of Carbon dioxide once you exhale  Kidneys › Filters waste out of the blood

7 Coronary Artery Disease (narrowing the arteries) Heart attacks Abnormal heart rhythms or arrhythmias Heart failure Heart valve disease Heart muscle disease Pericardial disease Vascular Disease (blood vessels)

8  Atherosclerosis › Hardening of the arteries that provide vital oxygen and nutrients to heart  Could eventually cause a part of the heart muscle (myocardium) die off › Lack of blood flow.

9  Steady heart beats about 60-100 times a minute  Heart can get out of rhythm called arrhythmia  Produce uneven heart beats  Can change rate › Cause heart beat to be very slow or very fast

10  Does not mean heart has stopped working  Blood is not pumping as well as it should › Leads to water retention (swelling) and shortness of breath.

11  A valve lies at each exit of the four chamber of the heart › On way › Insufficiency  Cardiomyopathies › Disease in heart muscle › Also called enlarged heart › Abnormally thick and enlarge  Causes weak blood flow

12  Inflammation of the lining surrounding the heart  Rare condition often caused by infection

13  Myocardial infarction › Myo-muscle › Cardial-heart › Infarction-death of tissue due to lack of blood supply  Plaque builds up in arteries supplying blood  Blood clots form around plaque and totally block the artery  This causes part of the muscle to be oxygen deprived and die  Causes permanent damage to heart muscle

14  Shortness of breath  Chest pains › Discomfort, pressure, heaviness › Below breast bone  Discomfort in arm, back, jaw, or throat  Sweating, dizziness  Nausea, vomiting  Extreme weakness  Rapid or irregular heart beats

15  ECG › EKG- can tell how much damage has occurred in heart muscle  Blood test › Look for Cardiac enzymes to indicate muscle damage  Cardiac catheterization › Cardiac cath  Can see direct visual of block artery

16  Male Sex  Older age  Family history of heart disease  Post- menopausal

17  Smoking  High cholesterol › High LDL “bad cholesterol”  Hypertension › High blood pressure  Physical inactivity  Obesity  Diabetes (uncontrolled)  Uncontrolled Stress and anger

18  Do not smoke  Controlled diet- EAT RIGHT › Improve cholesterol levels › Achieve and maintain healthy weight  Regular exercise- BE ACTIVE › 30-60 minutes most days of the week  Control Hypertension › Exercise and good diet  Manage Stress

19 Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the US. Heart failure is a major health problem in US affecting 5 million Americans. The leading cause of hospitalization in people over 65

20 About eight out of 1,000 children are affected by congenital heart disease. Coronary artery disease cause abut 1.2 million heart attacks each year. About 40 percent will die

21  guide/diseases-cardiovascular guide/diseases-cardiovascular  t-disease-prevention/WO00041 t-disease-prevention/WO00041  htm htm 

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