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Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Sonitrol Digital Marketing April 5, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Sonitrol Digital Marketing April 5, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Sonitrol Digital Marketing April 5, 2013

2 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 How can we cut through the noise, and make our digital marketing more profitable.

3 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

4 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

5 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 3 Things I Can’t Stand

6 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

7 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

8 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Who Is This Guy? University of Colorado – Marketing & Entrepreneurship Marketing for two successful web startups Self-taught designer/developer – 9 years Founded Odd Dog Media in 2008 Local Business Clients to Large Enterprise

9 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

10 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

11 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Web Marketing Ecosystem

12 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Selling more stuff to more people for more money. Web Marketing Ecosystem

13 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

14 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

15 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

16 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

17 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 If it’s not ultimately driving revenue, it’s a waste of time.

18 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

19 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 All roads lead to…

20 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

21 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 It has GOT to CONVERT

22 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Clear Calls to Action Always have a phone # available Less is More A/B Testing Mobile Compatible When in doubt…measure!

23 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 But did it “market” to me?

24 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 What does it do? Is this product/service for me? Why is it better than the other one? How much will it cost me?

25 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

26 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

27 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Focus on one sentence that describes what you do differently, your competitive advantage. Place Industries above Features. Add your phone # to the top. Add customer logos & a testimonial. Add a bold statistic. (in lead sentence?) Add a pricing page (really a free quote) - menu

28 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Find ways to get their info. 5 new leads a day = 1,825/year 5% close = 91 new customers

29 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Search Engine Email Social Media News/PR/Other Sites Advertisement How people get to your site.

30 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Looking for an area of opportunity Make sure it has “purchase intent”

31 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 78% of Internet users conduct product research online.

32 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 “1 in 3 searches are Local”

33 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 1.8M Searches/month

34 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 720 Searches/month In Seattle

35 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Local SEO Factors Sonitrol PacificProtective Systems Standard Website39/10025/100 Location (in text)No SchemaGoogle+, No Local BizNo Local KeywordsNoYes Google Reviews0 in Seattle3 Social Stature~500 followers~100 followers Internet Citations185208

36 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Benefits of Local SEO Highly Targeted Low Competition Simple to Optimize Targets Mobile Devices

37 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 So what about the other traffic drivers?

38 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Email is the lowest common denominator in online communication

39 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Rules of Email 1.Only email when it’s relevant / interesting 2.Keep it short 3.Always offer something that makes it worth their time 4.Measure!

40 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Does Social Media have a role?

41 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 1.06 billions monthly active users on Facebook 250 million photos uploaded to Facebook everyday 175 million tweets sent from Twitter every day in 2012

42 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 7 business drivers of social media marketing Enhance Branding and Awareness Protection your reputation Enhance public relations Build community Enhance customer service Facilitate research and development Drive sales and leads

43 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Most Importantly 1.Helps enhance your SEO 2.Gives you a targeted audience to tell about new content (blogs) 3.Establishes you as an “Authority” on your subject 4.Allows you to connect closer to customers. Business is just people. 5.Less is more.

44 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 To Recap 1.Don’t forget conventional marketing. 2.All roads lead to your website. 3.Be sure your website markets & converts. 4.People on search engines have purchase intent. 5.Local SEO is a huge area of opportunity. 6.Don’t forget about email. 7.Social Media does have a role, but know its place.

45 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

46 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Questions

47 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Contact Me @abroetje Deck at:

48 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

49 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

50 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Old Spice Results The number one most viewed sponsored channel on YouTube 236 million YouTube Views 80,000 Twitter followers in 2 days Facebook Interaction increased 800% with the personalized videos (Fans now total over 1.5 million) Sales figures increased by 107 %

51 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Dollar Shave Club

52 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 $9.8 Million in VC funding

53 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Why were these campaigns successful?

54 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Clear goals.

55 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 One last thing…

56 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Build your social media presence Buy Learn how to build a basic website using something like Wordpress – blogs are great, but just an online resume will do. Claim your name on all social networks – Know your privacy settings (especially on Facebook) Google yourself Create a professional online persona

57 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Christchurch, NZ, February 22, 2011

58 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

59 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 #mcdstories

60 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

61 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 Woody Harrelson’s AMA

62 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

63 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103 I swear this is a true story. I went to a high school in LA and you crashed our prom after party (Universal Hilton). You ended up taking the virginity of a girl named Roseanna. You didn’t call her afterwards. She cried a lot. Do you remember any of this and can confirm or have you been so knee deep in hollywood pooty for so long that this qualifies as a mere blip?

64 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

65 Digital Marketing Strategy © 2012 Odd Dog Media 174 Roy St, Suite C, Seattle 98103

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