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Writing to advise Connector- copy out which you think are needed in writing to advise… Interesting and informative guidance Language suitable for your.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing to advise Connector- copy out which you think are needed in writing to advise… Interesting and informative guidance Language suitable for your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing to advise Connector- copy out which you think are needed in writing to advise… Interesting and informative guidance Language suitable for your specific reader A friendly and inviting tone An authoritative and firm tone Formal language overall Informal expressions As much advice as you can possibly give A biased viewpoint A balanced viewpoint Similar sentence lengths and punctuation throughout Varied sentence lengths and punctuation throughout

2 When you are asked to write to advise, your purpose is: - to provide interesting and informative guidance on a topic specified in the exam - to do so in a way that is suited to a specified type of audience - to show you know the conventions of the form required, e.g. a letter or an article. When deciding on what mark or grade to give, an examiner will be looking for specific aspects within your writing: - Is it catchy and interesting? –Any heading you choose will be very important here. –The opening sentence is also crucial to achieving this. Dare to be different and... be original! Is its style and tone appropriate for its audience and purpose? –You'll need to write in a way that sounds 'inviting' and 'friendly'. –It's best to avoid using a style that is overly informal. Stick mainly to formal standard English but use some informal expressions of the kind that will appeal to your audience. Is the tone authoritative? –When giving advice in an article, your audience will absolutely expect you to sound as if you know what you are talking about.

3 Is the help and advice given sufficient and appropriate? –No one wants to be bored by excessive advice. Take care that what you write is sufficient and necessary. Is it clear, i.e. can its audience follow and understand it easily? –Your choices of vocabulary, of sentence style and length as well as the way you paragraph and set out the advice are all important. Would subheadings be useful? Perhaps a bulleted list or a diagram? Is its content balanced and fair? –This will depend on the topic you have been asked to write about but people like to feel advice is not too one sided so make sure you cover different points of view.

4 Write down an imaginary problem on your piece of paper. Don’t share your problem with anyone. You must then fold the paper. Let’s hear back some of your advice to consider your use of language… You will each receive a problem Write a paragraph of advice in response (in your book) 5 minutes

5 Modals imperatives Modals and imperatives 1.Highlight/underline all modals you have used. 2.Do the same for imperatives. 3.Make a key labelling which is which. 4.Which did you use more of? 5.How will the language you have used affect your reader? 6.How do you come across in your written advice? -You could… -You should… -You might… A command -You must… -Turn off the switch… - Leave him… Language

6 Hotseating - write down as many problems as you can think of in 1 minute… -I need 2 agony aunts. 1 must give advice using only imperatives, the other only modals. -Hands up if you think a reader responds more to: (a) imperatives (b) modals (c) a mix of both Remember, you need to give friendly yet authoritative advice!

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