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Coach Jordan English 2.  Analyze the Prompt  Break down the prompt…identify the topic or situation, your writing purpose, the product you must create,

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Presentation on theme: "Coach Jordan English 2.  Analyze the Prompt  Break down the prompt…identify the topic or situation, your writing purpose, the product you must create,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coach Jordan English 2

2  Analyze the Prompt  Break down the prompt…identify the topic or situation, your writing purpose, the product you must create, and the audience with the following device:  A-P-P-T-T-P  Audience – who is the intended audience for your writing? This can dictate tone, diction, figurative language  Product – what is the end product you are being asked to create? A letter? Paragraph? Well-developed essay?  Purpose – to persuade? Analyze? Explain?  Topic – what is the general topic?  Thesis – construct a thesis sentence appropriate for your work  Pre-Writing – choose the pre-writing tool that will best help you organize your thoughts

3  Analyze the Prompt:  Know your audience (A)  Make sure you know the product and proper length (P)  Know the PURPOSE (P) – key words: “list,” “describe,” “explain,” “persuade”  Topic (T) – identify the correct one to construct your thesis!  Plan Your Response  Thesis (T) – remember a thesis is subject + opinion. It must be in formal language, clear and certain, and state your opinion as a fact.  Example: I think it would be a good idea get out of school at an earlier time. Versus… Having the school day end at an earlier time would serve as the beginning to many positive outcomes.

4  Pre-Writing  I know you don’t want to….but you must!  List? Make a web.  Narrate? Story map, 5-W’s & H  Summarize? Main Idea, Supporting Details chart  Compare/Contrast? Venn Diagram  Persuade? Opinion/Reasons Organizer  Analyze? Web, Main Idea, Supporting Details chart, Formal Outline

5  For a paragraph, develop your Topic Sentence (comes first)  For an essay, develop your Thesis Sentence (last sentence of your introductory paragraph)  Use your pre-writing method to put your ideas in order (this support in parag #1, this one in #2, etc)  Support your statements! Direct evidence is quoted, indirect evidence summarized or paraphrased

6  Ideas- Does your paper adequately address your main idea(s)? Do you need to add or subtract supporting details? Is everything relevant and related with good transitions?  Organization – Does your introduction give “just enough” but not too much? Is the information presented in a logical order? (“Funnel” the introduction to the thesis) Are paragraphs in most powerful order?  Voice – is it YOUR voice? Are your attitude and tone clear without using slang or informal language ?

7  Diction (Word Choice) – Have you used words that are too general or vague? Choose precise words, original and descriptive adjectives. Try to use collegiate level vocabulary by looking for synonyms for ordinary words  Sentence Fluency – Do your sentences flow? (No tennis matches!) Do your sentences vary in their beginnings, their structure, and their length?  Conventions – check and re-check all spelling, grammar, and punctuation!

8  Revising is making your work the best it can be by using the Six Traits of writing  Proofreading (sometimes called Editing) needs to include some more specific grammatical steps:  Spelling…Microsoft Word WILL NOT catch all spelling errors!  Noun capitalization…are proper nouns and adjectives capitalized?  Punctuation – check quotation marks and surrounding punctuation  Apostrophes – Try to eliminate contractions in formal writing. Check that possessive nouns have apostrophes in the right places!  Consistency – is your style consistent, with proper form throughout?  Finally….before turning it in!!  Everything typed with an MLA heading on the first page  1 inch side margins, 12-point plain font, stapled  Be proud of your work! Writing is immortal!!

9  The Introduction  In literary analysis, include the title of the work and the author in the FIRST SENTENCE  Grab reader’s interest and present them with the overall (broad!) idea or subject of essay (Do not “show your hand” too early)  Begin to “funnel” in – intro starts broad and narrows to your thesis  Usually 3-5 sentences building to thesis  Thesis (subject +opinion) is last statement in intro paragraph

10  Body Paragraphs  Support and develop your thesis statement by following the introduction with paragraphs that contain topic sentences that are transitions, then followed by supporting details (quoted or paraphrased evidence)  First sentence of every BODY paragraph is the Topic Sentence that must function as a transition. It broadly references where you are going with that paragraph…do NOT be TOO specific  Organization – decide the best order of the paragraphs – strongest one last  Focus – avoid wordiness, run-on sentences, or “common” conversational language

11  Conclusion  Your opportunity to “funnel” back out  Begin with a reference to your thesis – NOT a restatement  Then begin “funneling” outwards toward the significance of the subject and in literary analysis, THE MEANING OF THE WORK  Usually 4-5 sentences, ending with a broader perspective of the topic or issue, or a final thought-provoking statement.

12  In literary analysis, after stating author’s full name in introduction, reference him/her by last name only through paper  Know how to integrate direct excerpts with proper punctuation (a period goes inside the quotes, as does a comma) – only a question mark or exclamation mark goes OUTSIDE quotation marks  The Conclusion is about the MEANING OF THE WORK – that should always be in the back of your mind throughout literary analysis paper  Body Paragraphs – don’t end with summary sentences…end with insight and transition to the next body (flow!)  Transitions at the beginning of the paragraph should not be “first,” “second,” “finally,” etc.  No informational or conversational language!! (“I just told you/I will tell you/In this paper I will say/by now you should know”)

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