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Recognizing Staffulty Terri Avey Musselman High. FIRST DAY TEACHERS RETURN TO SCHOOL Staffulty BREAKFAST Served by Student Council Allows staffulty to.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognizing Staffulty Terri Avey Musselman High. FIRST DAY TEACHERS RETURN TO SCHOOL Staffulty BREAKFAST Served by Student Council Allows staffulty to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognizing Staffulty Terri Avey Musselman High

2 FIRST DAY TEACHERS RETURN TO SCHOOL Staffulty BREAKFAST Served by Student Council Allows staffulty to socialize and ease into their return to school. Student Council purchased donuts, everything else was purchased or made by individual Student Council members.

3 Staffulty Breakfast

4 Renaissance Shirts Each Staffulty member receives a themed Renaissance t-shirt at the beginning of every year.

5 Teacher & Staff Member of the Week One faculty member AND one staff member is randomly nominated from a group that wears school colors on Fridays Each receives a primo parking pass gift certificate a dollar coupon to the school store Their names are displayed on a bulletin board in the front office.

6 Rise and Shine Once a month, we catch a class being on time and give them a prize!

7 Staffulty Birthdays Staffulty members with birthdays each week receive a birthday bag. Included in the bag: pack of gum post-it notes granola bar tissues pens and pencils a mint a marker

8 Cooks & Custodians Banner We hung an informational banner with personal facts about our hardworking cooks and custodians in the cafeteria.

9 Water, Donuts, & Hot Cocoa to Bus Drivers On Renaissance days we celebrate our bus drivers too

10 Thank You Notes to Staffulty at End of Year Activity during the seniors’ last week We provide thank you cards for all seniors to show appreciation to any staffulty member who has helped them through high school. Leadership students make sure each staffulty member receives at least one thank you card.

11 Bell to Bell Annual recognition of 3 teachers who go above and beyond what is required.

12 Teacher & Staff Member of the Year Randomly selected teacher and staff member that consistently wears school colors on Fridays (yes, we keep track!) Announced at our Academic pep rally. They both receive a $50 Staples Gift Card.

13 Graduation Program All staffulty members wear robes and hoods representing their highest degree. All staffulty degrees and their college or universities are listed in graduation program

14 Car Wash Student Council offers to wash, vacuums, clean windows, and Febreeze every staffulty member’s car during Teacher Appreciation Week. Each year, they clean 40-50 cars during the school day. Responsible students drive the cars to and from the washing station behind the school, returning the keys to the owner after they are cleaned.

15 Luncheon Occurs the same day as the car wash Help from the cooks and our café class. Catered from local independent restaurant who significantly reduces their cost as a donation. Average cost to student council for the past few years is $3 per person (which also feeds our car washers!)

16 Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Time involvement varies from selecting a teacher of the week to the car wash and luncheon. Start small, and build with time…


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