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Planet Rainforest Duck 800 By Cadence Tidwell. Climate of Planet Rainforest. The climate of my planet is tropical wet and hot,flat and rains almost every.

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Presentation on theme: "Planet Rainforest Duck 800 By Cadence Tidwell. Climate of Planet Rainforest. The climate of my planet is tropical wet and hot,flat and rains almost every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planet Rainforest Duck 800 By Cadence Tidwell

2 Climate of Planet Rainforest. The climate of my planet is tropical wet and hot,flat and rains almost every day.

3 How Will My Animal survive in weather?.My bird has a rubbery coat helps it stay warm and cool when needed also the coat helps my bird protect it self.

4 Good Eyes My duck will have big eyes that let him see far away so when he is hiding from animals he can see where they are and know were they are too.

5 Foods and Beak  My duck will eat the fruits and the nuts.The nuts will be in the trees  My duck will have a medium beak with a curve a the end to get the nuts out of the trees.

6 Beaks to get water My bird has a special beak that can be sticked into the ground to get water and the bird will get water.

7 Shelter  When he wants to rest or go to bed he usally fly’s up to a tree and finds a branch and sleep’s.

8 Camouflage  My bird can change colors mostly green because the rainforest is green to blend in with the plants and tree’s.

9 Unique Thing  The most unique adaptation is the rubbery coat to protect him from predetors.

10 Protection and Predetors  Some predators that want to harm my bird would be snakes that is the only one  When a predator comes at my bird he runs to a plant our tree and camoufloge’s him self.

11 Big eyes for seeing far places Sharpe tail to swing at the prdetors Little feet to run and not get hurt by the plants The long beak to stick into the ground to get water Wings to get up to trees The rubbery body to help protect him from the plants Little head to fit into trees

12 Spikey The Flower by: Cadence Tidwell

13 Spikey the Flower The bright colors warn the consumers that will eat it. The flower is poisons so it will hurt the animals The small leaves are very sharp to prick the animals The water in the stem is very poisons This flower is small but it is very poisonis

14 Some Adaptations  What components will your plant have? Why?   a. Stem #1:Long spikey stem ___________________________________________________________  purpose: To blend in with the poison plants  ______________________________________________________________  b. Flower #2 Poisonis ______________________________________________________  purpose : So when the animal comes to eat it will die______________________________________________________________  c. Leaves #3: Short leaves____________________________________________________________  purpose: Because a animal will not notice when they come to eat the flower they will get pricked ______________________________________________________________  d. Roots #4:They are long _____________________________________________________________  purpose: So they can reach the water ______________________________________________________________ 

15 Plant Adaptation Summary My plant will have long roots to reach the water. It stores water in the leaves and the stem. The long roots help the plant get water. These animals will eat my plant Monkeys and Birds. The most unique thing my plant has is the poisonis flower.

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