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 What is the climate of your planet? TThe climate of my planet is dry and hot it is somewhere around 110 degrees everyday.

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Presentation on theme: " What is the climate of your planet? TThe climate of my planet is dry and hot it is somewhere around 110 degrees everyday."— Presentation transcript:


2  What is the climate of your planet? TThe climate of my planet is dry and hot it is somewhere around 110 degrees everyday.

3 HHow will your bird protect itself from the changes in weather conditions? MMy bird has slick skin and also cold skin with a force field.

4 WWhat type of body covering or coverings will your bird have? Why? ##1 covering: Force Field Purpose: To protect from bad creatures. ##2 covering: Water skin Purpose: To protect from the extreme heat. ##3 covering: Plastic on wings Purpose: Protect from damaging wings.

5 WWhat type of feet, wings, or other movement adaptation does your bird need in order to move around the planet? Why? MMy bird how webbed feet with claws to dig threw the ground. MMy bird also has wings to fly. MMy bird also has a force field for unlimited protection and weather change.

6 WWhat type of eyes will your bird have? Why? MMy bird has brown eyes with X-ray vision for seeing enemies from a far. MMy bird also has a bunch of eyelids to first to protect its eye from getting damaged and for seeing around without looking.

7 WWhat type of food will your bird eat on this planet? MMy bird eats insects and very small animals and the very small amount of water that she has, also she eats power pallets because she's super duck. TTherefore, what type of beak will it have? MMy bird has a bowl shaped beak to pick up as much water as it can with its very small amount.

8 WWhat special adaptations will your bird have to get water? MMy bird has a bowl shaped beak to scoop as much water as it can and it has a long neck to get deep to get water.

9 WWhere does your bird find shelter? MMy bird uses leaves on trees to build shelter and sometimes she fly's up in trees and sleeps there. MMy bird will sometimes use leaves and trash to make a capsule because she's a SUPER DUCK!!!!!

10 DDoes it use mimicry or camouflage to help it blend into its environment? MMy bird has camouflage because she has tan skin to blend in with the background which is sand and sand is tan.

11 hat are the predators that might harm your bird?  How will your bird protect itself from the predators? WWhat might harm my bird is some type of color lizard or other tiny animals. MMy bird has a force field to have unlimited protection because its SUPER DUCK!!!!!

12 WWhat is the most unique adaptation that your bird has? MMy bird is SUPER DUCK!!! I think that’s pretty unique itself don’t you think?

13 Spiky tail to kill enemies! Wings to help flay away from predators! Bowl shaped beck to get as much water as possible Long neck to grab food Webbed feet to swim Gills to breath underwater Big body to protect Long tail to protect


15  What components will your plant have? Why?  a. Stem #1: For storing food.  Purpose: To survive.  B. Flower #2: NONE  Purpose: NONE  C. Leaves #3: To make food for itself.  Purpose: To survive.  D. Roots #3: To grow big and strong.  Purpose: To survive

16 15. What type of roots will your plant need? Why? MMy plant has very long and stretched out roots to get as much water. 16. How will your plant make its own food (Photosynthesis)? MMy plant makes it own food by using its leaves. 17. How will your plant disperse its seeds? BBy using her long roots she disperse them by extending it roots and spreading the seeds. 18. What special adaptations will your plant have to get water? OOn top of my plant there's a hole to collect water, also its roots 19. What are the consumers that might eat your plant? AAny type of small or medium animals might eat her for my water and food inside of me. 20. What is the most unique adaptation that your plant has? MMy is a SUPER PLANT!!! And its force field!!!!!

17 Hair on top to keep cool Spikes to shoot out for protection 3 sticks to also keep cool Very thick for protection Tan color to match with the sand 1 thick stick for extra protection

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