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Killer Whales BY: Michael Grote. Introduction Huge predators of the ocean, that’s what killer whales are. All sea animals fear killer whales. They have.

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Presentation on theme: "Killer Whales BY: Michael Grote. Introduction Huge predators of the ocean, that’s what killer whales are. All sea animals fear killer whales. They have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Killer Whales BY: Michael Grote

2 Introduction Huge predators of the ocean, that’s what killer whales are. All sea animals fear killer whales. They have huge appetites and are ferocious beasts of the sea.

3 Killer pods Most killer whales live in the arctic and Antarctic waters. There’s never 1killer whale, there's 4 to 150 killer whales in a pod. The pod has moms, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins. The dads and grandpas are missing from the pod. That’s where killer whales live.

4 Munch, Munch, Crunch Chomp, chew killer whales are starving. Killer whales eat squid, krill, polar bears penguins, fish, other whales and sea animals. When ever they get hungry they send clicks to other killer whales to see if there’s food. If it echo’s back, something's ahead.

5 Baby killers What’s black and white and is born from it’s mother? A baby killer whale. A baby killer whale is born under water. A baby calf is about 8 feet long and is weighs 300 to 400 pounds. When a calf is born it know how to swim, they aren’t very strong. Aren’t they amazing?

6 Facts Did you know killer whales are in the dolphin family? Killer whales are only called killer because they eat so much meat. They are also called orca’s, because they don’t harm humans.

7 That’s a wrap That end’s our story about killer whales. I hope you enjoyed learning about orca’s. Next time, if you see one, you’ll know to stay away.

8 Recourses Killer Whales, by Mark Carwdine. Whales, by Dan Greenberg. Orca’s, by Terry.

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