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GET TO KNOW ABOUT AUTISM By: Nurul Nadia Abu Bakar A137246.

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Presentation on theme: "GET TO KNOW ABOUT AUTISM By: Nurul Nadia Abu Bakar A137246."— Presentation transcript:

1 GET TO KNOW ABOUT AUTISM By: Nurul Nadia Abu Bakar A137246

2 Communication Social Interaction Unusual Behavior Learning MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS

3 COMMUNICATION Impaired communication skills > Verbal – odd pitch/intonation, abnormal rate, lack of expressive language skills, unusual rhythm > Non Verbal – lack of eye contact, inappropriate facial expression, unusual use of gestures, strange body gestures

4 SOCIAL INTERACTION Difficulty relating to people, objects and events Avoid physical contact Impairment of social interaction and abnormal social play

5 UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR Repetitive movements Insistence on sameness Sensitive towards loud noises, some smells and light Unconventional use of toys and objects

6 LEARNING Cognitive problems in; > attention > organization > sequencing



9 Accommodating With Their Learning Needs No single method successful for all Students’ needs change over time Teachers should try other/variety of approaches

10 Teaching Students With Autism Instructional approaches Strategies for classroom management Strategies for communication development Strategies for teaching social skills Teaching functional skills

11 Visual approaches – pictures / written schedules Provide precise, positive praise while the student is learning Plan tasks at an appropriate level of difficulty Use age-appropriate materials Provide opportunities for choice INSTRUCTIOANAL APPROACHES

12 Cont. Provide brief and clear oral instructions Give extra time for them to respond Use concrete examples and hand-on activities Know more about the children from their family

13 SRATGEGIES FOR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Provide a structured, predictable classroom environment Provide a customized visual daily schedule Provide relaxation opportunities and areas – repetitive movements

14 Plan for transition and prepare the student for change Provide opportunities for meaningful contact with peers who have appropriate social behavior

15 STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT Structured lesson on learning to listen Developing oral language comprehension – using visual aids, gestures Developing oral expression - Developing conversation skills – encourage informal conversation

16 STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING SOCIAL SKILLS use social stories teach components of key social skills provide planned practice and reinforcement for skills provide practice of skills using picture cue-cognitive picture rehearsal use peer support use social skills training groups support the development of friendships

17 TEACHING FUNCTIONAL SKILLS Self care – hygiene, grooming, dressing Functional academics – reading, writing and mathematics Vocational skills – punctuality, safety procedures Leisure skills – sports, arts Community skills – using public transport, using public washrooms

18 References Wood, Judy W. (2002), Adapting Instruction To Accommodate Students in Inclusive Setting; Merrill Prentice Hall, Ohio Teaching Students with Autism a Resource Guide for School (2000), British Columbia, Ministry of Education (Special Programs Branch)

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