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The Three Branches of Government

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1 The Three Branches of Government
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2 Introduction U.S. Constitution divides powers among three branches
“Separation of Powers” Why was this done?

3 Separation of Powers Limits government powers
Prevents any one branch from having too much power

4 Three Branches of Government
Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch What does each branch do?

5 Three Branches of Government
Legislative Branch – makes the nation’s laws Executive Branch – carries out the laws Judicial Branch – interprets the laws


7 Legislative Branch Article 1 of the Constitution
Congress – law-making branch Two houses Senate House of Representatives

8 Picture courtesy of

9 Executive Branch Article 2 of the Constitution
Executes, or carries out, nation’s laws President, Vice President, appointees & advisors

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11 Judicial Branch Article 3 of the Constitution
U.S. Supreme Court & federal court system Interprets laws Punishes law-breakers Determines if laws are constitutional

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13 Checks & Balances Each branch has its own powers
Yet, no branch can become too powerful How does the Constitution balance the powers?

14 Checks & Balances Each branch has powers to check, or limit, the powers of the other 2 branches

15 How does this work? Congress has power to make laws
President has power to veto, or turn down, proposed laws President can check power of Congress

16 Can Congress check the President’s power?
Congress can override, or pass a law over President’s veto 2/3 majority vote in both houses needed

17 Is the Supreme Court involved in law-making?
Supreme Court can check the powers of Congress and the President Interprets laws Determines if laws are constitutional

18 Do you want to know more? Check out these sites:
Ben’s Guide to Government: Congress for Kids:

19 Review What are the three branches of government?
What are the primary responsibilities of each? Why does the U.S. Constitution provide for a separation of powers? How does the system of checks and balances work?

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