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+ Westward Expansion : the Appalachian Mountains and the Erie Canal Lesson 2 & 3.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Westward Expansion : the Appalachian Mountains and the Erie Canal Lesson 2 & 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Westward Expansion : the Appalachian Mountains and the Erie Canal Lesson 2 & 3

2 + Objectives I can develop an awareness of the hardships the pioneer faced

3 + Words to know Appalachian Mountains- a mountain chain that extends almost the entire length of the East Coast of the United States America Wilderness- the wild, unexplored part of America Rabbit and deer trails- the pathways followed by rabbit and deer through wooded areas or grasslands

4 + The 13 colonies We are going to label the map of the United States. These are the materials that we are using Yellow water colors Maps pencils or crayons

5 + The 13 Colonies We are going to color the 13 colonies red Legend Original Colonies

6 + The Appalachian Mountains The Appalachian Mountains has thick forests and narrow trails. These trails were created by rabbits and deer. Pioneers followed these trails. The wheels on the wagon were tall to go over the tree stumps that were left behind.

7 + The 13 Colonies Legend Original Colonies Appalachian Mts. This is where the Appalachian mountains are located. Let’s color them brown

8 + The 13 Colonies Here are the Ohio River and the Mississippi River. Let’s color these blue and label it on the legend. Don’t forget to label the Gulf of Mexico Ohio Mississippi Legend Original Colonies Appalachian Mts. Rivers Gulf of Mexico

9 + The 13 Colonies We are now going to color everything from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean yellow. Ohio Mississippi Legend Original Colonies Appalachian Mts. Rivers Gulf of Mexico

10 + Words to know Eerie Canal- water route connecting the Atlantic Ocean with Lake Erie, provided a water route to the western frontier Great Lakes- Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Superior (remember it as HOMES Barge- a large, strongly built, flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight

11 + The Erie Canal Did you know that it cost a lot of money to transport goods to the American Frontier? This motivated Americans to find the a faster and less expensive way to transport goods from the Atlantic coast to inland. The Erie Canal joined the Hudson River at Albany, NY with Lake Erie. It took eight years to build and cost $7,143,789.

12 + The 13 Colonies We are going to trace more rivers and lakes in blue. hio Mississippi Legend Original Colonies Appalachian Mts. Rivers Lakes Erie Canal v Gulf of Mexico v v Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean

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