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Liqueurs Whisky Vodka Gin Rum Brandy Tequila Distillation Fermented Ethanol is heated. The vapors from this process are trapped and cooled to create a.

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Presentation on theme: "Liqueurs Whisky Vodka Gin Rum Brandy Tequila Distillation Fermented Ethanol is heated. The vapors from this process are trapped and cooled to create a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liqueurs Whisky Vodka Gin Rum Brandy Tequila Distillation Fermented Ethanol is heated. The vapors from this process are trapped and cooled to create a purer form of alcohol; liquor. Wheat Apples Cereals Grapes Sugar Cane Potatoes Fermentation Yeast is added to the plant activating fermentation where sugar is converted into CO2 and Ethanol. The Ethanol kills the yeast after an amount of it has been produced. Plants -Or-

2 Beer; 12oz Wine; 5oz liquor; 1.5oz.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Alcohol in oz 5%12%40%.5 ARL 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Alcohol by volume (%)

3 Beer; 12oz Wine; 5oz liquor; 1.5oz Alcohol Research Lab:  E thanol is the same intoxicant in beer, wine, and liquor. The speed at which alcohol spreads throughout the body depends on several factors:  T he higher the concentration of alcohol the quicker intoxication occurs. Factors:  A ge, weight, gender, genetics, food intake, fitness, and alcohol mixer ARL

4 Alcohol in the Body

5 Level 1 Stomach Alcohol and the Stomach Alcohol and the Stomach 20% of consumed alcohol is absorbed through the stomach lining and enters the blood stream Alcohol irritates the stomach lining and in certain amounts causes vomiting Large amounts of alcohol increases stomach acid levels leading to ulcers and gastritis

6 Exit Alcohol and the Small Intestines Alcohol and the Small Intestines 80% on consumed alcohol is absorbed through the lining of the intestine into the bloodstream Alcohol affects the ability of the small intestine to process nutrients from food Level 2 Small Intestines

7 Alcohol and the Liver Alcohol is metabolized in the liver (about 80%) Alcohol can cause multiple liver complications such as: hypoglycemia, fatty liver, and liver disease Alcohol is metabolized at a rate of.5 oz an hour Level 3 Liver

8 Level 4 Brain The effects of intoxication are not felt until alcohol reaches the brain The brain is the organ that is most affected by alcohol Alcohol and the Brain Alcohol and the Brain

9 MEN Alcohol’s Affects on the Brain -Cerebral Cortex- Function : Processes information from the senses, involved in thought processing and consciousness, initiates most voluntary muscle movement. Function : Processes information from the senses, involved in thought processing and consciousness, initiates most voluntary muscle movement. Alcohol’s Affect : Depresses behavioral inhibitory centers (more talkative and self confident) Slows down processing of information from senses (trouble seeing, hearing, etc.) o Threshold for pain is raised Inhibits thought processing (poor decision making) TNT

10 MEN Alcohol’s Affects on the Brain -Limbic System- Function : Controls emotions and memory. Function : Controls emotions and memory. Alcohol’s Affect : Exaggerated states of emotion (anger, aggressiveness, withdrawal) Memory loss ? @#%&!

11 MEN Alcohol’s Affects on the Brain -Cerebellum- Function : Controls balance, coordinates the movement of muscles, responsible for fine movement (touching your nose with your eyes closed). Function : Controls balance, coordinates the movement of muscles, responsible for fine movement (touching your nose with your eyes closed). Alcohol’s Affect : Interrupts communication between brain and muscles (uncoordinated movements). Disrupts fine muscle movement involved in maintaining balance (you fall down). !!!!!

12 MEN Alcohol’s Affects on the Brain -Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland- Function : Controls chemical functions and impulses. Function : Controls chemical functions and impulses. Alcohol’s Affect : Depresses nerve centers in hypothalamus that control sexual arousal and performance (sexual desire increases as sexual performance decreases). Depresses secretion of anti- diuretic hormone (the kidneys produce more urine). MEN

13 Alcohol’s Affects on the Brain -Medulla- Function : Controls all non-conscious bodily functions (breathing, heart rate, temperature, consciousness). Function : Controls all non-conscious bodily functions (breathing, heart rate, temperature, consciousness). Alcohol’s Affect : Person becomes sleepy and may lose consciousness. Large amounts of alcohol shut down the Medulla’s unconscious bodily functions such as breathing. Blood pressure and body temperature fall ZZZZ

14 Euphoria 0.04-0.06 BAC: Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of reasoning and memory, lowering of caution. Your behavior may become exaggerated and emotions intensified (Good emotions are better, bad emotions are worse) 0.02-0.03 BAC: No loss of coordination, slight euphoria and loss of shyness. Depressant effects are not apparent. Mildly relaxed and maybe a little lightheaded. 0.07-0.09 BAC: Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Judgment and self- control are reduced, and caution, reason and memory are impaired. 0.10-0.125 BAC: Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, vision, reaction time and hearing will be impaired. Euphoria. 0.13-0.15 BAC: Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reduced and dysphoria (anxiety, restlessness) is beginning to appear. Judgment and perception are severely impaired. 0.16-0.19 BAC: Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a "sloppy drunk." 0.25 BAC: All mental, physical and sensory functions are severely impaired. Increased risk of asphyxiation from choking on vomit and of seriously injuring yourself by falls or other accidents. 0.30 BAC: STUPOR. You have little comprehension of where you are. You may pass out suddenly and be difficult to awaken. 0.35 BAC: Coma is possible. This is the level of surgical anesthesia. 0.40 BAC and up: Onset of coma, and possible death due to respiratory arrest. Legally intoxicated.08 Minimum for death to occur.3 0.20 BAC: Feeling dazed, confused or otherwise disoriented. May need help to stand or walk. If you injure yourself you may not feel the pain. Some people experience nausea and vomiting at this level. The gag reflex is impaired and you can choke if you do vomit. Blackouts are likely at this level so you may not remember what has happened.

15 Listening Sleeping Xbox Resting Self- awareness adventure apathy Good restraint TUDE Passwords Evil Blinking F o r g e t t I n g Friends lolz Jingles napping Day dreaming Attention Sideburns






21 18 year old 3 year history 4 times a week

22 16 year old 2 year history Daily use

23 Healthy Brain

24 28 year old 10 year history Mostly weekend

25 38 year old 17 year history Heavy weekend use

26 Alcohol Fast Facts

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