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1. Infinitive phrases used as nouns 2. not only…but (also)…

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2 1. Infinitive phrases used as nouns 2. not only…but (also)…

3 Example: 1. They would like to share their peace and happiness with each other. 2. Hades asked Persephone to marry him. 1. Infinitive phrases used as nouns O OC

4 1. Infinitive phrases used as nouns Example: 3. To live is to enjoy life. SSC

5 Exercise A: Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above. The first one has been done for you. 1. We expect that we will see Ben at the party. → We expect to see Ben at the party.

6 2. The doctor reminded Mr. Lin that he should take the medicine three times a day. 3. I strongly advised her that she should take a rest. → The doctor reminded Mr. Lin to take the medicine three times a day. → I strongly advised her to take a rest.

7 4. The police told the passengers that they should get off the bus and get out of the way. 5. That I will be a great actor is my dream. → The police told the passengers to get off the bus and get out of the way. → To be a great actor is my dream.

8 6. The best thing for us to do is just that we should laugh and learn from the mistake. → The best thing for us to do is just to laugh and learn from the mistake.

9 Exercise B: Complete the following sentences with the given words and the above pattern. The first one has been done for you. 1. Hades loved Persephone and didn’t want to let her go (want/let/her/go).

10 2. He was told (not/tell/lie/again). not to tell a lie/lies again 3. The girl’s job is (sell/flowers). to sell flowers 4. (swim/ across/the river) is impossible for the old man. To swim across the river

11 5. (teach) is (learn). To teach 6. The aim of science is (see/the world/ more clearly). to see the world more clearly to learn

12 You’ve really done a good job! Give yourself some applause!!! Back

13 Example: Colors help us express ourselves. Colors affect us as well. Colors not only help us express ourselves but (also) affect us. 2. not only…but (also)…

14 The image of the peacock can mean beauty. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences. 1. The image of the peacock can mean not only beauty but (also) pride. It also can mean pride.

15 Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences. 2. My brother is not only polite to others but (also) willing to help them. My brother is polite to others. He is willing to help others, too.

16 He also worked hard for his family. 3. Mr. Chen worked hard not only for himself but (also) for his family. Mr. Chen worked hard for himself. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences.

17 Jean does well in he studies as well. 4. Jean not only is active in clubs but (also) does well in her studies. She is active in clubs. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences.

18 I also came here to ask you to give me a hand. 5. I came here not only to see you but (also) to ask you to give me a hand. I came here to see you. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences.

19 We learn it because it is the most important language in the world. 6. We learn English not only because it is one of the most important subjects in school but (also) because it is the most important language in the world. We learn English because it is one of the important subjects in school. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences.

20 R: Would you please tell me the best way to learn English? J: Sure. First you must have a correct attitude. You should look at it as fun rather than hard work. Exercise B: Roger is asking his English teacher, Jessica, how to learn English. Complete the following dialogue with the words given. Use the pattern above.

21 In this way, 1 (it/will/give/knowledge; pleasure). R: But, how? it'll give you not only knowledge but also pleasure Exercise B: Roger is asking his English teacher, Jessica, how to learn English. Complete the following dialogue with the words given. Use the pattern above.

22 J: 2 (need/read/a lot; listen/English radio program/often) If possible, you should try to talk with native speakers. R: I see. I am not good at spelling. What should I do? You need to not only read a lot but (also) listen to English radio programs often. Exercise B: Roger is asking his English teacher, Jessica, how to learn English. Complete the following dialogue with the words given. Use the pattern above.

23 J: 3 (keep/letters/ word/in mind; know/pronounce) R: What about the grammar? You should not only keep the letters of a word in mind but also know how to pronounce each word. Exercise B: Roger is asking his English teacher, Jessica, how to learn English. Complete the following dialogue with the words given. Use the pattern above.

24 J: In learning a foreign language, 4 (must/understand; know/how/ use). R: What else should I know? you must not only understand it but (also) know how to use it Exercise B: Roger is asking his English teacher, Jessica, how to learn English. Complete the following dialogue with the words given. Use the pattern above.

25 J: English writing is also very important. 5 (should/do/homework; practice/ whenever/free time) R: Thank you for your advice, Jessica. J: You're welcome. You should not only do your homework but also practice whenever you have free time. Exercise B: Roger is asking his English teacher, Jessica, how to learn English. Complete the following dialogue with the words given. Use the pattern above.

26 You’ve really done a good job! Give yourself some applause!!! Back

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