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Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) D. Casey Levy State Hazard.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) D. Casey Levy State Hazard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) D. Casey Levy State Hazard Mitigation Officer

2 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant Program Guidance Overview CFDA #97

3 PDM Introduction & Summary
Provides funding for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. PDM grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Due to the Federal Budget Continuing Resolution, funding for the FY 2008 PDM Grant Program has yet to be appropriated.

4 PDM Application Period
National Application Period October 31, January 31, 2008 Applications must be received in eGrants by January 10, :59:59 PM, EST

5 PDM Eligible Sub-Applicants
State-level agencies Tribal governments (Federally recognized) Local governments State Universities Private Non-Profits (PNP) and Private Universities must apply through relevant local governments or State agencies.

6 PDM Types of Sub-Applications
Hazard Mitigation Plans 44 CFR Part 201: Sub-applicants must have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan by the application deadline to be eligible for PDM funding Mitigation Projects State Management/Technical Assistance Costs

7 PDM Eligible Planning Activities
New Plan Development Comprehensive Review and Update PDM planning grant awards must result in an adopted FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan prior to the end of the performance period.

8 PDM Eligible Project Activities
Acquisition Relocation Elevation Structural and Non-structural retrofitting of existing buildings (Wildfire, seismic, wind, or flood hazard) Safe rooms

9 PDM Eligible Project Activities continued
Studies/Analyses included in a Project Sub-application to support project design/feasibility Vegetation Management Protective Measures for Infrastructure Storm Water Management Localized Flood Control Projects designed specifically to protect critical facilities

10 PDM Match Share and Funding
75% Federal Cost Share 25% Non-Federal Cost Share Up to 90% for small impoverished communities meeting qualifications listed in the guidance. No additional funding will be made available for Cost Over-runs Cost Under-runs may not be shared between Sub-Applicants

11 PDM National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Participation Requirement
NFIP participation is required if: Sub-applicants are identified as having Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) A Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FBHM) or Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) has been issued for their specific jurisdiction The Sub-applicant may not be suspended, on probation, or withdrawn from the NFIP

12 PDM Planning Requirement
Sub-applicants must have a FEMA-approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan by the end of the application period This does not prohibit application development for a project within eGrants Potential sub-applicants are encouraged to complete their plans as soon as possible Sub-applicants without a plan may apply for planning funds

13 New to FY 2008- PDM Planning Funds
Communities without approved plans by the end of the performance period will be subject to funding recoupment. Plans approvable pending adoption but not approved = 10% recoupment minimum Plans reviewed but not approved = 25% recoupment minimum Plans never received by FEMA = 100% recoupment

14 PDM Performance Period/Extensions
Limited by statute to a performance period not to exceed 3 years The Regional Office may extend the performance period up to 1 year

15 PDM National Rankings and Evaluations
Regional Offices will review all sub-applications for eligibility and completeness Sub-applications will be forwarded to National Evaluation Following a technical review for feasibility and cost-effectiveness, selections will be made at Headquarters level

16 PDM Additional Information
Sub-applications must be consistent with the goals and objectives of both the State plan and the communities’ local plan Projects submitted with local plans not approved by the application deadline will not be considered Projects submitted without an attached BCA will not be considered Sub-applications using the “Very Limited Data” Flood Module will not be considered

17 PDM Additional Information
FEMA will ensure that a State will receive no less than $500,000 for sub-applications within the State that meet all FY 2008 Guidance eligibility requirements. Sub-applications must be consistent with the goals and objectives of both the State plan and the communities’ local plan

18 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program Guidance Overview CFDA #97.029

19 FMA Introduction & Summary
Pre-disaster grant program. To implement cost-effective measures that reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

20 FMA Application Period
National Application Period October 31, March 31, 2008 Applications must be received in eGrants by March 10, :59:59 pm, EST

21 FMA Funding Estimate FY 08 National Funding Estimate: $30 Million
State Minimum Baseline: $110,000.00 Based on the number of NFIP policies and the number of Repetitive Loss Properties

22 FMA Eligible Sub-Applicants
State-Level Agencies Federally and State-Recognized Indian Tribal Governments Local Communities Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations are NOT eligible sub-applicants

23 FMA Types of Sub-applications
FMA Plans Meeting 44 CFR Part 78.5 Cannot fund Hazard Mitigation Plans to meet 44 CFR 201 Mitigation Projects Must meet planning and NFIP requirements Technical Assistance/State Management Costs

24 FMA Eligible Activities
FMA Mitigation Plans No update to local FMA Plans is required Mitigation Projects Acquisition/Relocation/Elevation Dry Flood-proofing of Non-residential structures Minor localized flood control projects 50% of structures benefiting must be insured Beach Renourishment

25 FMA Match Shares and Funding
Up to 75% Federal Cost Share 25% Local Cost Share Maximum in-kind match cannot exceed 12.5% Minimum cash match must be at least 12.5% Maximum applicant 5-year allocation: $20 Million Maximum sub-applicant 5-year awards: $3.3 Million

26 FMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Participation Requirement
All sub-applicants must participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Funds shall not be awarded for activities in suspended, withdrawn, or non-participating communities. Properties must be NFIP insured at the time of project application and maintained at least through completion of the mitigation activity.

27 FMA Planning Requirement
Sub-applicants must have a FEMA-approved FMA Plan by the end of the application period This does not prohibit application development for a project within eGrants Potential sub-applicants are encouraged to complete their plans as soon as possible Sub-applicants without a plan may apply for planning funds

28 FMA Performance Periods and Extensions
Limited by statute to a period not to exceed 3 years Regional office may extend the performance period for up to 1 year

29 Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Grant Program Guidance Overview CFDA #97

30 RFC Introduction & Summary
Provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the NFIP that have one or more flood claims Competitive Grant Program, no target allocation

31 RFC Application Period
National Application Period October 31, January 31, 2008 Applications must be received in eGrants by January 10, :59:59 pm, EST

32 RFC Eligible Sub-Applicants
State-Level agencies Tribal governments (Federally Recognized) Local governments State Universities Private Non-Profits (PNP) and Private Universities must apply through relevant local governments or State agencies

33 RFC Types of Sub-applications
Mitigation Projects Must meet planning and NFIP requirements

34 RFC Eligible Activities
Acquisitions and Relocations Property must be insured and have one or more flood claims Elevations Dry Flood-proofing of non-residential structures Minor Localized Flood Control Projects 50% of structures benefiting must be insured

35 RFC Match Shares and Funding
Up to 100% Federal Cost Share under certain conditions (Must meet the requirements for Reduced Capacity) No additional funding is available for cost over-runs Under-runs may not be shared between sub-applicants

36 RFC Reduced Capacity (Funding)
In order to be eligible for the 100% Federal Cost-share, Sub-applicants must provide certification (signed documentation) demonstrating: Why the project is not eligible for the FMA program (why the FMA allocation cannot fund the project) Why the 25% match cannot be funded

37 RFC Reduced Capacity (Resources)
In order to be eligible for the 100% Federal Cost-share, Sub-applicants must provide certification (signed documentation) demonstrating: That the Applicant and Sub-applicant lack the capacity to manage the funds Lack of capacity may be demonstrated as lack of adequate resources, or meeting the conditions of a small, impoverished community

38 RFC National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Participation Requirement
Sub-applicants must participate in the NFIP RFC funds will not be awarded for activities in non-participating, suspended, or withdrawn communities Properties in all RFC projects must be NFIP insured at the time of project application and maintained through completion of the mitigation activity.

39 RFC Performance Periods and Extensions
Limited by statute to a period not to exceed 3 years Regional office may extend the performance period for up to 1 year

40 RFC National Ranking and Selection
FEMA will rank all eligible sub-applications based upon the greatest savings to the National Flood Insurance Fund Eligible project sub-applications not selected for RFC grant awards during FY 08 may be considered during FY 09

41 PDM/RFC/FMA Reporting Requirements
The Sub-Grantee shall submit quarterly reports for each grant award by the following dates: March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31

42 Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Grant Program Introduction

43 SRL Information and Guidance
The guidance for SRL has not been released. FEMA is hoping for an open application period sometime in January ‘08.

44 SRL Introduction & Summary
Provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive loss (SRL) structures insured under the NFIP

45 SRL Properties Residential properties with at least four NFIP claim payments over $5,000 each, where at least two claims have occurred within any ten-year period and the cumulative amount of such claims payments exceeds $20,000; or For which at least two separate claim payments have been made within any ten-year period, with the cumulative amount of the building portion of such claims exceeding the value of the property

46 SRL Eligible Activities
Relocation Flood-proofing of historical properties Elevation Acquisition Mitigation reconstruction Minor physical localized flood control projects

47 SRL Cost Share 75% Federal Cost Share 25% Non-Federal Cost Share

48 Contact Information Annick D. Leger Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness 415 N 15th Street 4th Floor- Mitigation Section Baton Rouge, LA 70802

49 Contact Information D. Casey Levy State Hazard Mitigation Officer Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness 7667 Independence Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA 70806

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