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Professor Dr. Jin BQ Food Science. & Nutrition NUNJ.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Dr. Jin BQ Food Science. & Nutrition NUNJ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Dr. Jin BQ Food Science. & Nutrition NUNJ

2 Introduction  Foods for Human beings  Classification 1 1 Animal Foods: Meat, Milk, Egg, Aquatics 2 Vegetable Food: Cereals/Potato Beans/Nuts Fruits /Vegetables

3  Classification 2 1 Agricultural Goods: 80% in total China 2 Industry Products: 10-20% in China (1995) 40-80% in Developed C  Products: Sugar/Salt Cooking oil Soft drink Cake/Bread Natural Foods Various nutrients No whole value Unbalanced

4  Classification 3 1 Energy/Starch foods: Cereals, potato- 2 Protein foods: CP > 14% Poultry, meat, egg, soybean- 3 Vit. & Minerals foods: Fresh Vegetables/ Fruits

5  Nutritional Value Nutrients in food is to meet the people’s physiological requirement 1 Number 2 Kinds 3 Ratio (Interaction)

6  Various foodstuff  Eating part of foods  Antinutritional factors  Complex Cooking  Cooking time & methods  Storage Condition  Improving by Crossbred Balanced Nutritional Diet Dietary Guildline

7 Effects on Food Nutrition  Processing  Storage & Transport  Cooking With temperature and so on conditions

8 §1 Nutritional evaluation in foods 1 Food supplment: Ingredients Table  Food composition in Table  Nutr-ingredients in Table (kinds, amount)  Accounting 2 Human Physiological Requirement: RDA/DRIs  Energy & Nutrients’ requirement in day/person 3 Compared human requirement with food supplment: Index of Nutrition Quality (INQ) 4 Designing a reasonal diet for people 5 Preventing metabolic diseases through ration

9 Nutr-evaluative Methods  Feeding trial in animal  Metabolic trialin animal  Clinic biochemical exam in blood/urin  Chemical analysis in other samples Aim at One nutrient or food Designing special nutritional value of ration Growth, reproductivity and weaning---

10 §2 Cereals 1 Grain Structure  Bran: Cellulose Hemicellulose  Endosperm: Starch Less Protein  Embryo: Oil Protein et al  Gluten in wheat: 30-40%  Processing characteristics

11 2 Grain composition CHO 2 >70% Minerals 1.5-3% Protein 7.5-15% Vitamins Oil 2-4%

12 The change of cereals consumption in China


14 §3 Beans & Their Products  Soybean CP EE CHO 2 % 35-40 15-20 25-30 Lys H Met L Rich Ca, Vit.B 1 & B 2  Other Beans 20 50-60  Nuts 12-25 44-70

15 Antinutritional factors in soybean  Protease inhibitor, PI  Special flavor  Flatus-producing Factor  Phytin  Phytohematoagglutinin PHA

16 Soybean products  Fermenting: 腐乳、臭豆腐、 臭豆汁、豆豉、酱油  Non- fermenting: 豆浆、豆腐、 豆腐干、腐竹、豆皮  发芽:豆芽  Soybean protein


18 §4 Vegetables & Fruits  Ration in Chinese: 33.7% Vegetables 8.4% Fruits  Property: H 2 O High CP EE Energy Low Dietary Fibers Vit. C 、 B 2 Organic acids Flavor, Pigment Ca P Fe K Na Mg Cu

19 §5 Meat, Fish and Poultry  Nutr-Composition CP EE Minerals BV % 10-20 3-5 0.8-1.2 >70

20 Pork Consumption 2004 年 我国大陆肉类消费的猪牛羊禽肉 城市居民人均只有 31.3kg ,乡村居民人均只有 17.9kg


22 §6 Milk & Its Products  N-composition; H 2 O CP EE CHO 2 Minerals Vit. % >85 3 2.5-4.5 4.6-4.7 0.7 Low level High level Energy Ca Fe K

23 Dairy Consumption

24 Milk in person in China (估计值) Unit 1999 2001 2005 2010 2015 Citizen in China kg/per/y 6.74 8.01 10.92 14.31 17.87 In city kg/per/y 18.77 21.89 28.60 35.67 41.03 In Countryside kg/per/y 1.01 1.15 1.52 1.93 2.43 Real: 2001=7.3kg; 2002=8.0kg

25 §7 Eggs  Structure & ratio Shell White Yolk % 11 57 32  Hen egg: 50g  Duck egg: 80g  Goose egg: 120g

26 Egg Consumptiom

27 §8 Oil consumption  Shanghai: 85g/d.p  Beijing: 83g/d.p  Jiangsu: 84g/d.p

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