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NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT “They need to work together!”

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1 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT “They need to work together!”

2 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Nouns and verbs need to work together to create a complete thought. (sounds right)  Nouns can be plural or singular.  Singular= one (dog)  Plural= more than one (dogs)  If a noun is singular, then the verb must be singular.  If a noun is plural, then the verb must be plural.

3 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Are these nouns singular or plural?  Children  Apple  Book  Students  Woman  Person  Men  Turtles

4 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Hint: if the noun ends in a “s” then the verb does not.  The dogs play.  The dog plays.

5 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  First, determine if the noun is singular or plural.  Mom __________the car.

6 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  Children __________at the park each day.

7 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  An airplane __________on the runway.

8 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  Flowers __________each spring.

9 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  Sometimes my brother __________.

10 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  She__________ when she gets nervous.

11 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Complete each sentence with a verb that agrees with the noun.  She__________ when she gets nervous.

12 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Hint: linking and helping verb phrases have to agree.  Two students in our class have iguanas.  A student in our class has iguanas.

13 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.  Jamila (was, were) home with the chicken poxs.

14 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.  Their teacher (is, are) a woman.

15 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.  Students (is, are) responsible for their homework.

16 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.  The women (is, are) eating Mexican food for lunch.

17 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.  He (is, are) playing nicely with the other children.

18 NOUN AND VERB AGREEMENT  Now you try it!

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