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Na + Homeostasis. Sodium reabsorption by the nephron 1% 3% 6% 65% 25% Percentages give the proportion from filtered load reabsorbed Normally, only 1%

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Presentation on theme: "Na + Homeostasis. Sodium reabsorption by the nephron 1% 3% 6% 65% 25% Percentages give the proportion from filtered load reabsorbed Normally, only 1%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Na + Homeostasis

2 Sodium reabsorption by the nephron 1% 3% 6% 65% 25% Percentages give the proportion from filtered load reabsorbed Normally, only 1% or less is excreted But this 1% is a significant quantity

3 Na + Balance Na + balance will be maintained if the following is true Intake = Excretion OR If Na + content is high, increase excretion If Na + content is low, increase reabsorption

4 Na + Content of the Body Na + content of the body can not be detected What can be measured are:  Concentration of in ECF, strongly correlated to ECF osmolality as it is the main solute in ECF  ECF volume, which correlated with blood volume and arterial blood pressure

5 Na + Content of the Body Would changes in Na+ content of the body primarily result in changes in: ? Osmolality of ECF ? Volume of ECF

6 Mechanisms of Na + Homeostasis These mechanisms are responsive mostly to Change in ECF volume and its consequences which are  Change in blood volume  Change in blood pressure Response of Na+ regulatory mechanisms to change is osmolality is minimal Na + Homeostatic are directed towards regulateing blood volume and arterial blood pressure

7 Total Vs Effective Blood Volume Effective blood volume – volume of blood available for perfusion, the blood volume contained in the arterial system Total blood volume – volume of blood in the whole circulatory system Na+ homeostatic mechanisms are linked to the effective blood volume

8 Total Vs Effective Blood Volume Can the effective blood volume change when the total blood volume remains the same? Yes, due to changes in venous capacity Example: “septic shock” blood vessels are dilated, effective blood volume decreased but total blood volume is normal

9 Glomerular Mechanisms Raised Blood VolumeRaised Blood Pressure Increased Renal Blood Flow Increased Glom Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure Increased GFR Trend Towards Increased Na + and H 2 O excretion Increased Glom Capillary Oncotic Pressure,

10 Glomerular Mechanisms Raised Blood VolumeRaised Blood Pressure Increased Renal Blood Flow Increased Glomerular Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure Increased GFR Trend Towards Increased Na + and H 2 O excretion Baroreceptor mechanism Glomerular arteriolar dilatation (mostly afferent) Decreased Glomerular Capillary Oncotic Pressure

11 Glomerular Mechanisms Raised Blood Volume Atrial Distention Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Increased GFR – dilatation of afferent arteriole

12 Proximal Tubular Mechanisms 1.Increased delivery of Na + to the proximal tubule  Proximal tubular reabsorption of Na + is on a percentage basis  Total reabsorbed in increased but the total unabsorbed by the proximal tubule is also increased  More Na leaves the proximal tubule and enters the loop of Henle

13 Proximal Tubular Mechanisms 2.Status of the peritubular capillaries  Higher hydrostatic pressure in peritubular capillaries  Lower oncotic pressure in the peritubular capillaries Reabsorption is inhibited Minor decrease in the percentage of Na + absorbed in the proximal tubule But constitutes a significant decrease in quantity if Na + reabsorbed

14 Proximal Tubular Mechanisms 3. Increased interstitial pressure  Higher arterial pressure results in higher medullary interstitial pressure  Reabsorption is inhibited – mediated by a reduction of Na + K + ATPase activity

15 Proximal Tubular Mechanisms 4. Flow rate (minor effect only)  Higher GFR will increase flow rate in the tubule  Less Na + reabsorption takes place

16 Loop of Henle No significant Na + regulatory mechanism in Loop of Henle

17 JGA & Distal Tubule Major contributor to Na+ homeostasis 1.JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS  Sensor function  renal arteriolar pressure  distal tubular flow  Secretion of renin 2.DISTAL TUBULE  Modulation of Na+ reabsorption

18 Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Sensory function 1.Granular cells of afferent arteriole – sensitive to pressure within the arteriole  High pressure – renin secretion is inhibited 2. Macula Densa – sensitive to fluid flow rate NaCl flow rate  High flow rate – renin secretion is reduced

19 Renin Secretion Renin secretion is by afferent arteriolar granular cells STIMULI 1.Granular cells themselves 2.Macula densa 3.Renal sympathetic nerves (through beta 1 receptors)


21 Renin Secretion High blood volumeHigh blood pressure Distension of afferent arteriole Raised GFR & reduced proximal tubular reabsorption High distal tubular flow rate Inhibition of sympathetic nerves Inhibition of renin secretion

22 Renin Secretion Renin secretion is  Inhibited by high effective blood volume and high blood pressure  Increased when effective blood volume and blood pressure are low

23 Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Angiotensinogen Angiotensin I Angiotensin II Arteriolar constriction Aldosterone secretion Renin Increase distal tubular Na+ reabsorption Decrease GFR Renin activates mechanisms that increase Na+ and water retention ADH secretion Angiotensin converting enzyme

24 Overview of Na+ Homeostasis Changes in effective blood volume and blood pressure Arteriolar changes, hydrostatic & oncotic pressure changes, endocrine responses Responses by glomerulus, proximal tubule and distal tubule Modulation of Na+ excretion Compensation of changes in effective blood volume and blood pressure

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