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Lecture 5 Regulation of Sodium and Water Excretion ….. essentially same as….. Regulating Plasma Volume and Osmolarity.

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1 Lecture 5 Regulation of Sodium and Water Excretion ….. essentially same as….. Regulating Plasma Volume and Osmolarity

2 Kidneys excrete salt and water Since the amounts of salt and water in body define blood volume & osmolarity, Kidney’s control blood volume and body fluid osmolarity.

3 Renal Role in Blood Pressure Regulation ► Short Term BP Control: seconds/minutes classic baroreceptor reflex sympathetic output changes vascular resistance (MRP) ► Medium Term BP Control: minutes/hours renin release renin promotes angiotensin II formation circulating angiotensin II changes vascular resistance (MRP) ► Long Term BP Control: hours/days changes in total body salt & H 2 0 changes blood volume (MRP) The Kidney’s Role: 1) renin release (min/hrs) 2) controlling blood volume (hrs/days) Blood volume changes when H 2 0 moves in or out of the plasma. H 2 0 always moves down osmotic gradients. CONCEPT: CONCEPT: If you control Na +, then you control blood volume. Most abundant osmotically active particle in plasma is Na +. Control of Na = control of H 2 0 movement = Control of volume

4 Regulation of Na+ & H 2 0 Balance Natriuresis Natriuresis is the process of excretion of sodium in urine via action of the kidneys Diuresis Diuresis is excretion of a large volume of urine Definitions: Natriuresis resulting from an increase in renal arterial pressure is called pressure natriuresis Likewise, a diuresis resulting from in renal arterial pressure is called pressure diuresis

5 Regulation of Na + & H 2 0 Balance First a Conceptual Overview Parallel Bulk Handling Differential Hormonal Fine-Tuning Pressure Natriuresis Aldosterone ….. Na ADH ….. H 2 0

6 Regulation of Na + Balance Pressure Natriuresis More IN More OUT Some Murky Mechanism Details: Some evidence that increased BP some how down regulates Na reabsorption from the proximal tubule Higher hydrostatic pressure in peritubular capillaries reduces reabsorption from the proximal tubule. Pressure Natriuresis: 1) it is driven by simple hemodynamics 2) it is largely a proximal nephron phenomenon 3) it does not involve any sensors or circulating factors Simply Hemodynamics : More IN = More OUT (  GFR →  Na + &H 2 O excreation) No independent treatment of Na + & H 2 0 Good for simple bulk volume control Note: Note: Pressure natriuresis can help in controlling blood volume (and BP) but it is not very useful for independetly controlling Na + and H 2 O balance

7 Regulation of Na + Balance Why does the body need to regulate Na + balance independently of H 2 O ? Independent regulation of Na+ balance allows the body to compensate for the reality that Na + and H 2 O ingestion are both highly variable and often do not occur simultaneously High Na + load, low H 2 O → Body has hormonal mechanisms to modulate Na + and H 2 O balance independetly → Body has hormonal mechanisms to modulate Na + and H 2 O balance independetly High H 2 O load, low Na +

8 Regulation of Na + in Distal Nephron Aldosterone: Most important “H 2 0-independent” controller of Na + reabsorption & Na + balance → Steroid hormone produced by adrenal cortex → Acts on principle cells of the collecting duct → Circulating Angiotensin II stimulates its release ► Aldosteron action in CD is essentially “fine-tuning” Na + output ► Only 2% of filtered Na + under aldosterone regulaton Differential Hormonal Fine-Tuning Collecting Duct Total Na + filtered per day = GFRxPNa = 180L/dayX145mmoles/L = 26,100mmoles/day Thus aldosterone controls 522 mmoles/day This represent ~ 30grams of table salt (NaCl)

9 …  BP triggers baroreceptor response …  BP & sympathetic inputs trigger renin release from granular cells … renin enters circulation and leads to increased angiotensin II levels … angiotensin II triggers aldosterone release from adrenal cortex … aldosterone stimulates Na reabsorption from collecting duct … the retained Na leads to increased blood volume which raises BP Note: Aldosterone is not the only hormone that regulates the body’s Na + balance. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone control system response to decrease in arterial BP

10 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Atrial NatriureticPeptide Atrial NatriureticPeptide - promotes Na + excretion(ANP) → released from heart when atria stretch due to high blood volume (  BP) → vasodilates afferent arteriole increasing GFR → inhibits Na + reabsorption in from collecting duct → inhibits renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system ANP control system response to a increase in arterial BP

11 Regulation of H 2 0 Balance Key circulating hormone that regulate distal H 2 O reabsorption in the collecting duct Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) sometimes called vasopressin Collecting Duct ADH : Peptide hormone Cys-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-Gly Stored in vesicles at the posterior pituitary Remember?! How ADH alters the H 2 O permeability of the collecting duct? ADH ADH - promotes insertion aquaporins, the apical membrane become H 2 O permeable and thus H 2 O is reabsorbed (i.e less excreted)

12 Input Signals that Control ADH Release 1) cardiovascular baroreceptors  BP  less baroreceptor firing   ADH release  BP  more baroreceptor firing   ADH release 2) hypothalamic osmoreceptors  plasma osmolarity   ADH release  plasma osmolarity   ADH release

13 Input Signals that Control ADH Release 1) cardiovascular baroreceptors  BP  less baroreceptor firing   ADH release  BP  more baroreceptor firing   ADH release 2) hypothalamic osmoreceptors  plasma osmolarity   ADH release  plasma osmolarity   ADH release Baroreceptors

14 Input Signals that Control ADH Release 1) cardiovascular baroreceptors  BP  less baroreceptor firing   ADH release  BP  more baroreceptor firing   ADH release 2) hypothalamic osmoreceptors  plasma osmolarity   ADH release  plasma osmolarity   ADH release Osmoreceptors The cells that release ADH integrate the 2 input signals. “2 heads are better than 1”


16 Input Signals that Control ADH Release 1) cardiovascular baroreceptors  BP  less baroreceptor firing   ADH release  BP  more baroreceptor firing   ADH release 2) hypothalamic osmoreceptors  plasma osmolarity   ADH release  plasma osmolarity   ADH release Generally, osmolarity usually dominates unless there are very large changes in volume. Certain other brain level inputs can alter short-term ADH release (fear, pain, alcohol). Diabetes insipidus is due to abnormal ADH regulation. Origin could be brain problem or bad renal ADH receptors.


18 Free Water Clearance (C H20 ) means to access renal H 2 0 handling, not the usual clearance calculation The C H 2 0 determination considers urine as having 2 parts: Urine Volume solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  Can be calculate as Osmolar Clearance C OSM = U OSM · V P OSM solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  This is the H 2 0 “cleared”  Volume in which solutes present would be iso-osmotic compared to plasma. v

19 Free Water Clearance (C H20 ) means to access renal H 2 0 handling, not the usual clearance calculation The C H20 determination considers urine as having 2 parts: Urine Volume solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  Can be calculate as Osmolar Clearance C OSM = U OSM · V P OSM Thus…. C H20 = V - C OSM solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  This is the H 2 0 “cleared”  Volume in which solutes present would be iso-osmotic compared to plasma. v

20 Free Water Clearance (C H20 ) means to access renal H 2 0 handling, not the usual clearance calculation The C H20 determination considers urine as having 2 parts: Urine Volume solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  Can be calculate as Osmolar Clearance C OSM = U OSM · V P OSM Thus…. C H20 = V - C OSM solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  This is the H 2 0 “cleared”  Volume in which solutes present would be iso-osmotic compared to plasma. v Note: C H 2 0 could be negative !! This is when very concentrated urine is being produced.

21 Free Water Clearance (C H 2 0 ) means to access renal H 2 0 handling, not the usual clearance calculation The C H 2 0 determination considers urine as having 2 parts: Urine Volume solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  Can be calculate as Osmolar Clearance C OSM = U OSM · V P OSM Thus…. C H20 = V - C OSM If… V = C OSM Then… C H20 is zero If… V < C OSM Then… C H20 is negative solute-free H 2 0 H 2 0 with solute  This is the H 2 0 “cleared”  Volume in which solutes present would be iso-osmotic compared to plasma. v If… V > C OSM Then… C H20 is positive Note: C H 2 0 could be negative !! This is when very concentrated urine is being produced.


23 Hormone Released From Release Stimulated byActionResult ↑ RENINKidney -granular cells ↑ sympathetic stimulation ↓BP (via intra-renal sensors) ↓Distal Tube Flow (via macular densa) ↑ circulating ANGII level (a potent vasoconstrictor) ↑ BP ↓ GFR ↑ AldosteroneAdrenal Cortex ↑ ANGII (may result from ↑ renin, ↓BP ) ↑plasma [K] Acts on Principle Cells: ↑ apical Na Channel activity ↑ apical K Channel activity ↑ baso Na-K-ATPase activity ↑ Na reabsorption ↑ K secretion ↑ ANPHeart -atria ↑ blood volume (distention of atria) Vasodilate Afferent Arteriole ↓Na reabsorption (collect. duct) ↓Renin release ↓ALD production ↑ GFR ↓ Na reabsorption ↑ ADHPost Pituitary↑ plasma osmolarity ↓plasma volume Acts on Principle Cells: ↑ apical H20 permeability ↑ H20 reabsorption ↑ PTHParathyroid↓plasma [Ca] ↑ plasma [phos] ↑ Calcitriol production ↑ Ca moving bone to plasma ↑ Ca reabsorption (distal tube) ↓Phos. reabsorption (prox tube) ↑ plasma [Ca] ↓ plasma [phos]

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