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HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Presented by Ed Carlsen Awards & Resources Committee Chair Regions 1-7 Chapters Meeting Tampa, Florida June 24, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Presented by Ed Carlsen Awards & Resources Committee Chair Regions 1-7 Chapters Meeting Tampa, Florida June 24, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Presented by Ed Carlsen Awards & Resources Committee Chair Regions 1-7 Chapters Meeting Tampa, Florida June 24, 2007

2 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM ObjectivesObjectives –Encourage and support effective PES Chapter programs. –Reward Chapters that implement minimum program requirements and communicate with their members and PES in a timely and complete manner. –Up to $1,000 award to each chapter that meets the requirements and deadlines.

3 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM History –Approved by PES Governing board in 2000 –Revised in 2003, 2005 and 2006

4 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Minimum Requirements (for $400 award) –Timely Update of Chapter Officers changes via e-mail –Minimum of four (4) Chapter Meetings a year –Utilize the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award –Maintain a Chapter Web Page –Prepare a Chapter Annual Report

5 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Timely Update of Chapter Officers changes via e-mail –Chapters must provide updated address and email information for its officers within few weeks of any change. These updates should be made to the Regional Representative, Chapters Representative, IEEE section secretary and send up to date information in an email to scs-officer- scs-officer- report@ieee.orgscs-officer-

6 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Hold Four (4) Chapter Meetings – –The Chapter must hold a minimum of four (4) meetings during the calendar year. – –At least three of these meetings must be technical meetings. 1 meeting may be administrative, planning, or social. L-31 forms must be submitted.

7 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Utilize the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award –Implement a defined program to recognize outstanding contribution/support by Chapter members. –Utilize the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award (COEA) plaque as part of the award program.

8 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Maintain a Chapter Web page – Maintain a Chapter web site informing its members about future meetings, past meetings, chapter leaders and other information of interest to their members. –Page must be linked to the PES web page

9 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Prepare a Chapter Annual ReportPrepare a Chapter Annual Report –Chapter must provide a brief but complete report of the chapter's overall activities for the previous year. Utilize the Annual Report form. –The reports should be provided to both the Regional Representative and Chapters Representative no later than January 31.



12 Implement and complete the requirementsImplement and complete the requirements Utilize the HPCP Nomination form and the Annual Report formUtilize the HPCP Nomination form and the Annual Report form Send forms to Chapter Rep and Regional Rep (and/or as directed on HPCP web page)Send forms to Chapter Rep and Regional Rep (and/or as directed on HPCP web page) Receive $400 !Receive $400 !



15 Activities to gain additional award $: –Aditional Technical Activities (meetings) –Chapter PES GOLD program –Chapter Membership Development Program –Student Activities Sponsored by the Chapter –Educational Activities sponsored by the Chapter –Membership advancement recognition program sponsored by the Chapter

16 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Additional Technical Activities – –Additional points/$ earned by having additional technical meetings and activities

17 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Activity in the PES GOLD Program –Demonstrate a chapter PES GOLD (Graduate Of The Last Decade) program that is focused on increasing the number of PES members who have graduated from college in the last ten years. –This could include awarding a chapter developed outstanding GOLD member award at the chapter level or adding a GOLD member to the chapter's Executive Committee or other steps to develop PES GOLD membership.

18 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Chapter Activities in Membership Development –Demonstrate a chapter PES membership development program geared to increase the membership of the chapter. –The program should include a plan and a set of actions to achieve chapter membership growth.

19 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Student Activities Sponsored by the Chapter – –Sponsor a student related activity. – –This includes demonstrated activity with respect to IEEE Student Branches at the college level and/or with students in grades K-12 (or equivalent).

20 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Educational Activities sponsored by the Chapter –An educational program is defined as a program which offers at least one tutorial, short course, lecture series, or other activity directly related to the education of its members. –This can include technical, professional, business, project management, or other topics of interest to the chapter's membership.

21 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Membership advancement recognition program sponsored by the Chapter –Promote membership advancement, Fellow nominations, and IEEE or PES awards. This will be measured by evidence that the chapter has promoted recognition of their members and/or organizations that have supported PES activities for any of the following: a) Have a defined program for the advancements in IEEE member grade to senior member. a) Have a defined program for the advancements in IEEE member grade to senior member. b) Presentation of PES Outstanding Chapter Support Award. c) Nominations for Fellow grade. d) Nominations for an IEEE or PES award.

22 HIGH PERFORMING CHAPTER PROGRAM Implement and complete the requirementsImplement and complete the requirements Utilize the HPCP Nomination form and the Annual Report formUtilize the HPCP Nomination form and the Annual Report form Send forms to Chapter Rep and Regional Rep (and/or as directed on HPCP web page)Send forms to Chapter Rep and Regional Rep (and/or as directed on HPCP web page) Receive up to $1000 total!Receive up to $1000 total!

23 HIGH PERFORMANCE CHAPTER PROGRAM All information about the High Performing Chapter Award can be found via the PES Membership and Chapters Activities web page.All information about the High Performing Chapter Award can be found via the PES Membership and Chapters Activities web page. Or, Contact your Chapter Representative or Regional Representative for additional informationOr, Contact your Chapter Representative or Regional Representative for additional information

24 QUESTIONS ?????

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