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How to make bread.

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Presentation on theme: "How to make bread."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make bread

2 Ingredients 210ml warm water

3 1. Wash your hands!

4 2. Turn the oven on. Set the oven to 230C

5 3. Put the flour, yeast and salt into a bowl. 4
3. Put the flour, yeast and salt into a bowl. 4. Now add the oil and the water

6 If it is too sticky, add a little flour.
5. Mix it all together into a dough. If it is too sticky, add a little flour. If it is too dry, add a little water.

7 6. Sprinkle some flour onto a clean table, and put the dough onto this
6. Sprinkle some flour onto a clean table, and put the dough onto this. 7. Knead the dough by pushing and folding it with your hands. Do this for about 5 minutes.

8 8. Make the dough into bread rolls.
Put the bread rolls onto a tray, and in a warm place to rise.

9 you can cook it. 9. When the bread has doubled in size,
10. Put the bread into the oven. Be careful! The oven is hot!

10 11. Bake the bread for 15 minutes
11. Bake the bread for 15 minutes. Then ask a grown-up to check if they are ready, and take them out. 12. Put the bread on a wire rack to cool

11 Now you can bake bread! Well done!

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