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The Battle of the Sexes Feminine and Masculine Nouns.

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Presentation on theme: "The Battle of the Sexes Feminine and Masculine Nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Battle of the Sexes Feminine and Masculine Nouns

2 The Rule In Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine (unlike what you are use to in the English language) Nouns that end in an “O” are masculine Nouns that end in “A” are feminine

3 La vs. El Use “la” with feminine nouns Use “el” with masculine nouns Both “el” and “la” mean the

4 Example 1 La chica - The girlEl chico - The boy

5 Example 2 El sombrero - The hat La mesa - The table

6 Let’s Try One Is the word casa masculine (el) or feminine (la)? The answer is feminine (la) - la casa (because casa ends in a)

7 Now You Choose Puerta El El or La La

8 Yeah! You did it correctly! Puerta ends in “a” so it is feminine. Now try another one.

9 Let’s Think About It… Since puerta ends in an “a” that makes it feminine. Remember masculine nouns end in an “o”. Try again

10 Let’s Do One More Bolígrafo ElEl orLaLa

11 ¡ Bravo! Since bolígrafo ends in an “o” it is masculine.

12 You have Won the Battle of the Sexes

13 ¡ Ay Caramba! Bolígrafo ends in an “o” and that means it is masculine. El should go with a masculine noun.

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