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Textbook Chapters Review Book Topic 3

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1 Textbook Chapters 10-13 Review Book Topic 3
Genetics Textbook Chapters 10-13 Review Book Topic 3

2 Mendelian Genetics 1866 – Gregor Mendel (Austrian monk)
Studied inheritance of traits in pea plants Easy to grow, breed, control “True breeding” – meaning they always produce offspring with only one form of a trait Inheritance (heredity) – passing of traits onto the next generation Known as the “father of genetics”

3 Noticed that certain characteristics are passed onto offspring from generation to generation (traits) Mendel controlled cross- pollination (breeding) between plants by removing the male organs from the flower He then chose which plants reproduced

4 Mendel called the parent plants the “P” generation When crossing two “P” generation, the offspring produced were called the “F1” generation (hybrids) By crossing two “F1” generation, Mendel could study if characteristics could skip generations Creates the “F2” generation

5 Mendel studied seven different traits
Seed color Flower color Seed pod color Seed shape or texture Seed pod shape Stem length Flower position


7 After his experiments Mendel concluded:
There must be two forms of a trait Each form is controlled by an allele Allele – alternate form of a single gene passed on from generation to generation

8 Doesn’t mean it is stronger or more present in the population
Dominant allele (A) – form of the trait that appears in the F1 generation (shown) Doesn’t mean it is stronger or more present in the population Ex. Polydactyly Recessive allele (a) – form of the trait that is masked in the F1 generation (not shown)

9 Traits are different forms of a single gene
Genes contain a segments of DNA which codes for a specific protein

10 Law of Segregation Homologous traits occur in pairs on homologous
chromosomes Separated from each other during gamete formation (Law of Independent Assortment) Recombine at fertilization One form of a trait is inherited from each parent


12 Law of Dominance Homozygous – an organism with two of the
same alleles for a given trait (AA, aa) Heterozygous – an organism with two different alleles for a given trait (Aa) When heterozygous, the dominant trait will be observed

13 Three forms of dominance:
Homozygous dominant – AA Heterozygous – Aa Homozygous recessive – aa

14 Characteristics The outward appearance does not always
indicate which pair of alleles is present Genotype – organism’s allele pairs (AA, Aa, aa) Phenotype – observable characteristic of an allele pair (tall, short, green, yellow)

15 It is possible for two organisms to have the
same phenotype but different genotypes The genotype and phenotype of an organism is called a genome

16 Activity #1 Genotype versus phenotype smiley face activity

17 Punnett Squares (1900s) Used to predict the possible offspring of a
cross between two known genotypes Each parent contributes one allele per square in the box

18 Homozygous-homozygous AA x AA AA x aa aa x aa Homozygous-heterozygous
Monohybrid cross – only the inheritance of one trait is being studied Homozygous-homozygous AA x AA AA x aa aa x aa Homozygous-heterozygous AA x Aa aa x Aa Heterozygous-heterozygous Aa x Aa




22 Dihybrid cross – inheritance of two or
more different traits are being studied


24 Test Cross An individual of unknown genotype is mated with an individual showing the homozygous recessive trait Unknown could be homozygous or heterozygous Look at offspring produced to determine unknown genotype


26 Law of Independent Assortment
Allele pairs are randomly separated independently during gamete formation (meiosis) Different traits are inherited separately Exception is gene linkage Linked genes are inherited together

27 Activity #2 Punnett square practice worksheet

28 Law of Probability “Law of chance” Inheritance of genes
can be compared to flipping a coin Probability = # of ways a specific event can occur # of total possible outcomes

29 Activity #3 Probability and Inheritance Lab

30 Heredity BrainPop

31 Exceptions to Mendel’s Laws
Incomplete dominance Both alleles contribute to the phenotype Heterozygote is an intermediate of two parent’s traits

32 Codominance No single allele is dominant Both alleles expressed
at same time

33 Polygenic Inheritance
More than one gene can affect a single trait Ex. Four genes are involved in eye color Ex. Human height Ex. Skin color


35 Pleiotrophy A single gene can affect more than one trait
Ex. Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia

36 Gene Interactions (epistasis)
Products of genes (proteins) can interact to alter genetic ratios Ex. Coat color in mammals Ex. Purple pigment in corn



39 Environmental Effects
Genes may be affected by the environment Ex. coat color in arctic fox or hares (rabbits) Ex. Siamese cats

40 Multiple alleles for one gene
Genes may have more than two alleles Ex. blood type A, B, O alleles Types: A, B, AB, O IAIA / IAi (A); IBIB / IBi (B); IAIB (AB); ii (O)


42 Pedigrees Diagram that shows the phenotypes of several generations in a family tree for a specific trait Symbols used: Female -  Male –  Shading indicates individual shows the trait Marriage represented by horizontal line between Offspring represented by vertical lines


44 Applied Genetics Selective Breeding
Humans breed animals/plants with certain traits to obtain offspring that have desired traits Results in traits becoming more common in a breed                                                          

45 Hybridization Animals/plants are bred to form heterozygotes
Heterozygous advantage Ex. Disease resistance, increased offspring variation, faster growth, higher fruit yield Disadvantages: Time consuming Expensive Careful selection of parents to produce correct combinations of traits in offspring

46 Inbreeding Two closely related organisms are bred to
have the desired traits Also to eliminate the undesired traits in future generation Disadvantage – harmful recessive traits also can be passed on to future generations in homozygous recessive individuals


48 Examples of Human Inbreeding
Ancient Egypt Pharaohs married their sisters Royal Europe Royalty married within their family

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