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Ancient India Review.

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1 Ancient India Review

2 A person’s personal duty, based on the individual’s place in society is known as ____________________. Dharma

3 The Gupta Empire thrived through the trades of good, such as _________.
The ___________ are a group not shown on the diagram, and would appear below the Sudras gold Untouchables

4 According to the diagram The _________ were the least respected in the Indian society

5 The Caste system emerged in India under the ____________ Empire.
The Vaisyas are known as ___________ Aryan Common people

6 The Caste that contains warriors and rulers Is_____________.
Brahmins are the _________ group in the Caste system. Kshatriyas smallest

7 What determined a person’s job, social group, and even who they would marry in early India? _____________ India’s ancient people relied on three major rivers for _________, __________ and _______ A person’s Caste farming trade transportation

8 Bhagavad Gita The ____________ __________ is a section of the Mahabarata that talks about doing one’s duty.

9 Explaining the idea of ___________ was an important contribution of the ______ period.
infinity Gupta zero The symbol ________ was an Indian invention that had a great impact on the study of mathematics and science

10 An epic poem that is about a ruler who rescues his captured wife, and grew to about 25,000 verses.
_______________. Ramayana

11 What is the longest poem ever written, in any language?
______________. Mahabarata

12 BONUS ROUND! Four Noble Truths
Life is full of suffering, is one of the ________________. Four Noble Truths The one and only way to improve ones Caste is through________________ Reincarnation

13 BONUS ROUND! Siddhartha Gautama is also known as ________________.

14 An embalmed body tightly wrapped in long strips of cloth.

15 A diagram of Egypt’s social classes has the shape of a _______________.

16 The chief god of the Egyptians.
Re (Ray)

17 Forced payments sent to the pharaoh by conquered peoples.

18 The Egyptian invention to prevent the pharaoh’s body from decomposing was the act of _________.

19 The pharaoh appointed ____________, or elected officials, to collect tax payments of grain from farmers. bureaucrats

20 The Egyptians willingly served their pharaoh because they believed the pharaoh had an _________.

21 From about 3100 B.C. to 332 B.C., a series of 30 _________ ruled Egypt.

22 The pharaoh who tried to give Egypt a new religion.

23 This class was made up traders, artisans, and scribes
Middle class

24 An Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead.

25 Head of the ancient Egyptian government and religion.

26 Egyptians studied this to learn how to obtain life after death.
Book of the Dead

27 Social class made up of priests and nobles.
Upper Class

28 Imaginary creature with the body of a lion and the head of another animal.

29 The Egyptians began to build pyramids during the ____ period.
Old Kingdom

30 A line of rulers from one family

31 A great stone tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh.

32 Ancient Egyptians lived along this river. It is the longest
Ancient Egyptians lived along this river. It is the longest. river in the world. Nile River

33 The fan shaped area of silt near where a river flows into the sea.

34 A pole with a bucket and counterweight used especially in Egypt for raising water.

35 A plant that grew near the Nile River and was processed to make strips for Egyptians to write on.

36 A writing system used by the Ancient Egyptians made of pictures and sound symbols.

37 This isolated the Ancient Egyptians from outside invaders.

38 A government by religious leaders.

39 The Nile delta is located in this area.
Lower Egypt

40 The southern part of ancient Egypt is called ______
Upper Egypt

41 A successful female ruler of Ancient Egypt who wore a false beard.

42 The kingdom that was located in present day Sudan.

43 A child pharaoh famous because his tomb was found intact in 1922.
King Tutankhamen

44 A ruler in the New Kingdom who reigned for 66 years.
Ramses II

45 Egyptian arts and architecture thrived during the _____________.
Middle Kingdom

46 The period during which Egypt reached the height of its power and glory.
New Kingdom

47 ______ was the first king of a united Egypt.

48 The double crown symbolized____
A united Egypt

49 The ______ helped historians understand hieroglyphics.
Rosetta Stone

50 In what direction does the Nile River flow?
South to North

51 What s a tall four sided pillar that is pointed on the top?

52 You will do great!!

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