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Study Abroad. STUDY ABROAD Thursday 7 April 2011 -Expectations: Social, Cultural, Academic -Culture shock for some? -Practical information -Learning Agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Abroad. STUDY ABROAD Thursday 7 April 2011 -Expectations: Social, Cultural, Academic -Culture shock for some? -Practical information -Learning Agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Abroad

2 STUDY ABROAD Thursday 7 April 2011 -Expectations: Social, Cultural, Academic -Culture shock for some? -Practical information -Learning Agreement -Contact information -A fantastic opportunity – your choice -Enjoy!

3 Expectations Cultural expectations Academic expectations Social expectations

4 Practical Information Application to host university: Read e-mails carefully, submit all required documents, Letters of recommandation may be a challenge – start early Loan and Scholarship Lånekassen (if eligible) – ”Enclosure to Lånekassen”, e-mail from IRO Erasmus (IRO applies) I nsurance and health: Student Insurance – your responsibility! Health Insurance (some universites demand their own) NAV: and HELFO European health Vaccinations: Visa: Visa – all important documents in hand luggage ID – valid passport for the entire stay + 6 months

5 Learning Agreement (LA) ECTS = studiepoeng Credits = normally x2 Course approval through the IRO: -Bachelor (30 ECTS) -MSc in Business and Economics (24 – 30 ECTS) -MSc in Leadership and Organizational Psychology (24 ECTS) -MSc in International Management – wait for e-mail All other specialisation MSc Programmes - Course approval by the Associate Dean (24 – 30 ECTS), see the student handbook Submit LA form to the IRO Deadline: within 15 May (if no other requirements from host university) List more courses than needed You register yourself at host university Transfer of credits/retake at home

6 We expect that you: Arrive at host university on time Are a good ambassador and respect rules, regulations, and traditions in the host country Write a report from your exchange semester with your fellow students Only one report from each institution is required Participate in Student Exchange Fair or similar activities at the host university

7 Contact info/useful links Always keep useful phone numbers and contact information available BI Emergency plan: – Sjømannskirken: – Emergency number: + 47 95 11 91 81 – Other important phone numbers Embassy ANSA: Friends and family

8 Checklist: - Student insurance and Health card - Valid passport/all documents (letter of acceptance) -Send in Enclosure to Lånekassen in time -Will be provided by the IRO, wait for e-mail -Copy of important documents -Visa – if needed -Vaccination -Housing application -Vaccination -Housing information (address and contact information) -Emergency plan -Tickets and travel info -Contact info at host institution

9 It’s up to you! Be ”open minded” – watch and learn – differences can be fascinating Accept the differences Be curious – now is the chance to experience something different – ”GO FOR IT” Ask for assistance and supervision Do not take any unnecessary chances! Exchange – a terrific opportunity!


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