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Double Degree MSc Business and Economics MSc in Financial Economics (University of Amsterdam) University of Ljubljana University of Groningen Universidade.

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Presentation on theme: "Double Degree MSc Business and Economics MSc in Financial Economics (University of Amsterdam) University of Ljubljana University of Groningen Universidade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Degree MSc Business and Economics MSc in Financial Economics (University of Amsterdam) University of Ljubljana University of Groningen Universidade Catolica Portuguesa

2 What is a Double Degree ? Study at two internationally acclaimed institutions and receive two degrees Spend the first academic year at your home institution and the second academic year at the host institution Receive two full degrees completing them in the same time that it would take to earn one

3 Why take a Double Degree ? Distinguish yourself from other students Get a cultural and social experience Academic complementary to MSc at BI Challenge yourself academically and expose yourself to excellent research environments Create an international network and prepare for a career in international organisations

4 Where to go MSc Financial Economics: Amsterdam and Ljubljana MSc Business and Economcs (all majors) Lisabon MSc Business and Economics ( major finance and economics), Amsterdam, Ljubljana, Lisabon Msc Business and Economics ( major strategy) Groningen

5 Structures Amsterdam: 3 + 1 Ljubljana: 3 + 2 Universidade Catolica Portuguesa: 3 + 2 University of Groningen 3 + 1 BI students in: -Amsterdam and Groningen – the full one-year master programme -Ljubljana - The second year of the two-year programme -Lisabon – the second year of the two-year programme BI students pay tuition to BI

6 Academic Associate Dean approves course portfolio - Learning agreement Thesis is written at the host institution according to the rules and regulations of the host institution Individual thesis

7 University of Ljubljana EQUIS and AACSB Founded in 1919 Comprehensive University 56,000 students Faculty of Economics 10,000 students Strong research in Economics

8 Ljubljana

9 Ljbuljana

10 Universiteit van Amsterdam Founded in 1632 Comprehensive University 22,000 students Faculty of Economics and Business 4000 students Excellent reputation in Finance and Economics

11 Universidade Catolica Portuguesa

12 -The Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) is a non- state-run, non-profit-making institution, created in 1967 -The School of Economics and Management (FCEE) was founded in 1989 -Located approximately 10 minutes by metro from the city center. -Fall semester: September - January -Spring semester: February – June -Assistance in finding housing

13 University of Groningen Founded in 1614 Research University 25.211 registered degree students 2.250 international students (10%) 1.191 PhD students, 50% international 321 PhD dissertations ± 4,996 research publications Turnover: 523,7 million

14 City of Groningen Founded in 1040 Social, cultural and economic capital of the north of the Netherlands University town: 180.000 inhabitants, 45.000 students! Ranked 1st in an independent EU survey about quality of life in 75 major European cities. Voted Best city centre and Safest city in the Netherlands.

15 Who is eligible – Admission requirements Highly skilled and motivated candidates Recommended GPA average B, no pending subjects Letter of motivation (in English) CV (in English)

16 Application process A two-step process 1.Apply to the International Relations Office –Nomination beginning of March 2.Apply to the host university –Final offer of the DD place

17 Application Application deadline: –1 February, 2011 –Online application form: Letter of motivation CV

18 Costs & Scholarship You pay tuition to BI Loan and scholarship in Lånekassen Scholarship: Erasmus

19 Double Degree Challenge yourself! –Apply for a Double Degree

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