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Welcome to 1st Grade Ms. Lemus Class Hoover Hawks Hoover Hawks.

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2 Welcome to 1st Grade Ms. Lemus Class Hoover Hawks Hoover Hawks

3 About Ms. Lemus Have been a teacher for two years Have taught kinder and first grade Graduated from CSUN Love to read and listen to music Love to eat pupusas Love all of my students Love to teach

4 Daily Schedule Morning Business English: Independent Writing Recess Math Language Arts Lunch Silent Reading Computers Independent work Centers End the day

5 Classroom Rules Respect one another Raise your hand before speaking Always try your best Use appropriate language Do not give up

6 Positive Rewards Good behavior will be recognized: –P–Praise –P–Positive Notes –P–Positive phone calls home –S–Special treats and surprises

7 Consequences Warning Lose 1st recess Lose both recess Send letter home Have parent conference

8 What to Bring to Class PencilPencil EraserEraser ColorsColors HomeworkHomework Book to readBook to read

9 Homework Homework is given Monday through Thursday.Homework is given Monday through Thursday. Homework will be checked every morning.Homework will be checked every morning. Must read everyday at home.Must read everyday at home.

10 We will have a fun and exciting year!! Also look forward for great fieldtrips this year. Please attend class because we will be learning something new everyday. We will be a great team!

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