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Ms. Ubelaker’s Class Lincoln Elementary Open House August 19, 2014 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Ubelaker’s Class Lincoln Elementary Open House August 19, 2014 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Ubelaker’s Class Lincoln Elementary Open House August 19, 2014 Created by: Ashley Magee, Graphics ©

2 Meet the Teacher Hello My name is Ms. Ubelaker. I grew up in Osborne, KS. I have one sister. I also have two wonderful nephews. Her family lives in Russell. I went to school at FHSU and graduated in 2008. I then moved to Hoisington and have taught 3 rd grade ever since. This past year I earned my Master's in Administration from FHSU. I love teaching, being outside, spending time with my family and remodeling my house. I am so excited to start the year with all of you and watch you grow. Learning is so much fun and I can't wait to share that with you.

3 Classroom Rules 1. Follow Directions Quickly 2. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Speak 3. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Leave Your Seat 4. Make Smart Choices 5. Keep Your Dear Teacher Happy :)

4 Behavior Management We use the Give'em Five Discipline System in our district. There are five key elements to the process. Students will have an explanation of the teacher's expectation, the benefits of doing it that way, and a possible consequence if behavior continues.

5 Reading This year in reading we will learn: 1. How to be a Fluent Reader 2. Story Skills 3. Vocabulary Strategies 4. Author's Craft

6 Math This year in math we will learn: 1. Place Value/Rounding 2. Multiplication/Division 3. Telling Time 4. Fractions 5. Perimeter/Area 6. AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!

7 Writing This year in writing we will learn: 1. How to construct a paragraph 2. How to revise a paragraph 3. Sentence Variety

8 Science This year in science we will learn: 1. About Life Cycles 2. About Magnetism 3. About Weather

9 Daily Schedule Monday-Wednesday and Friday 8:00-8:30 MTSS Math 8:30-9:00 MTSS Reading 9:00-10:30 Reading 10:30-10:45 Recess 10:45-11:45 Math 11:45-12:10 Lunch 12:10-12:30 Math 12:30-1:00 English 1:00-1:30 Science 1:30-2:10 P.E./Music 2:10-2:40 Social Studies 2:40-3:05 Homework Help ( Last Friday of the Month Homework Party/Bucket Party) 3:10 First Bus 3:15 Everyone Else Leave

10 Thursday Schedule Thursday 8:00-8:30 MTSS Math 8:30-9:00 MTSS Reading 9:00-10:30 Reading 10:30-10:45 Recess 10:45-11:45 Math 11:45-12:10 Lunch 12:10-12:20 Math 12:20-1:20 Health/Wellness 1:20-1:30 Homework 1:30-2:10 P.E./Music 2:10-2:40 Technology/Book Groups/Book Talks 2:40-3:05 Homework Help 3:10 First Bus 3:15 Everyone Else Leave Thursday (Last One of Month) 8:00-8:30 MTSS Math 8:30-9:00 MTSS Reading 9:00-10:30 Reading 10:30-10:45 Recess 10:45-11:45 Math 11:45-12:10 Lunch 12:10-12:20 Math 12:20-1:00 Health 1:00-1:30 7 Habits of Happy Kids 1:30-2:10 P.E./Music 2:10-2:40 Homework 2:40-3:05 Monthly Birthday Party (Any student with a birthday that month can celebrate this day)

11 Special Classes Students will visit five special classes each week. Our schedule is as follows: Monday – P.E. and Music Tuesday – P.E. and Music Wednesday – P.E. and Music Thursday – P.E., Music, Health, and Wellness Friday – P.E. and Music * Please make sure your child wears or brings tennis shoes and dresses appropriately for P.E.. If they do not dress appropriately they will have to sit out of P.E. and this does effect their grade.

12 Field Trips We will go on a Field trip at the end of the year to the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson. We watch a movie at the IMAX and go to Doctor Goddard's lab and learn all about rockets. Then we eat lunch in the park and play until it is time to come home.

13 Grading Students will EARN grades in their classes based on their performance and participation. Our grading scale is as follows: 90%-100% A 80%-89% B 70%-79% C 60%-69% D 59% and Below F *Common Core states that 75% is mastery of a skill.

14 Assessments Students will be assessed frequently throughout the year. Each Friday MTSS Testing Three times a year Benchmark Reading Tests Math tests at the end of each unit Math and Reading State Assessments in the Spring Writing State Assessment in the Spring

15 Homework Homework is very important because it teaches your student self-discipline, self-direction, and cultivates good study habits. Your child may not have homework everyday, but will be asked to complete some from time to time. Homework is expected to be finished that night and turned in the next day unless otherwise stated. The first day it is late they lose 10%. The second day it becomes a zero. Responsibility is key to their success in the coming years and this will help to teach them that

16 Stay Connected! Information will be sent home daily. Check your child’s folder and initial the corresponding day on their calendar. Class website: My Email: My Phone: (620) 653-4549 Best time to call me at school during the day: 1:30-2:10

17 Welcome to a great year in 3rd Grade!

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