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Web Time Entry Approval of Student Time Entry Via the Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Time Entry Approval of Student Time Entry Via the Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Time Entry Approval of Student Time Entry Via the Web

2 Advantages to WEB TIME ENTRY No More Paper Time Sheets! Both employees and Supervisors/Approvers can submit and approve from any computer anywhere. Supervisor/Approvers can set up a proxy to approve timesheets in their absence. Once approved, timesheets are pulled into the payroll electronically through payroll process. The payroll department no longer has to enter time manually.

3 Click BannerWeb

4 Click Enter Secure Area

5 Type in Banner ID or Social Security Number Type PIN Click Login

6 Your name shows here Click Employee

7 Click Time Sheet

8 To access timesheets of Students you supervise, use Radio button here If you are designated as a superuser, checking this box will allow you to not only approve, but edit and extract any missing timesheets Select

9 Proxy information If you are acting as a proxy for an approver, use down arrow to select approver’s name. Approver must have previously set you up as a proxy before you can act as an approver in their absence.

10 Time Sheet Approver Department Pay Periods open-use drop down box to access the correct pay-period Use Radio Button to choose your sorting choice

11 Department Summary Page Appears – Your employees are listed. The Timesheet Status is in First Column: Not Started – time sheet has not yet been accessed by student In Progress – time sheet has been opened and/or hours entered Pending – time sheet has been submitted, but you have not approved Approved – you have approved and it has been submitted to payroll Return for Correction – your have returned timesheet to student for correction and resubmission Error Messages – entry errors need to be corrected and resubmitted Completed – time sheet has been processed in payroll

12 Approver  As an approver, you can only access timesheets in the “pending” status  You can approve the hours submitted by the employee  You can change hours submitted if incorrect and approve  Or you can return the timesheet to the employee for correction if hours are wrong

13 Timesheet Status

14 Click on Student’s name to see detail of hours and days worked

15 Total hours shown by day and per week In and out times entered each day You can approve each timesheet individually You can return to employee for correction You can add a comment You can change record

16 Or you can return to Department Summary Page and click Approve on Next to each employee, then Save

17 You Are Done!

18 Timesheet Status Changes to Approved. Once a timesheet is approved, you can no longer make corrections or changes, it will be pulled into payroll with the approved information. Please review timesheets carefully to make sure they are correct.

19 Important Information Time Sheets must be approved by you by the same Submit By Date on the Time and Leave Reporting page, so your students must complete their timesheets in enough time to allow you to do the approvals. If students wait until the cut off time to submit, you will not have time to approve for payroll processing. Time Sheets must be approved by you by the same Submit By Date on the Time and Leave Reporting page, so your students must complete their timesheets in enough time to allow you to do the approvals. If students wait until the cut off time to submit, you will not have time to approve for payroll processing.

20 Time Sheets must be approved by you by this date!

21 Please check your hours for Tuesday I do not show in my records that you worked that day? Remember to Save

22 Superuser Privledges If you are designated a superuser, you can access all timesheets except those returned for correction, approved or completed.  Approve as is or correct hours then approve Pending timesheets  Submit In Progress timesheets, edit and approve  “Extract” Not started timesheets, enter hours, submit and approve  Depending on the error, you can correct Errors by restarting timesheet, entering correct information, submit and approve or the employee has to correct and submit for your approval

23 As a superuser, you can access “In Progress” timesheets, change hours and submit. Then as the approver, you approve

24 If timesheet is not started, you can extract it enter hours, submit and approve

25 If you have any questions about entering your hours call Human Resources at 2276 or Payroll at 2961

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