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A PowerPoint Biography

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1 A PowerPoint Biography
Andrew Jackson A PowerPoint Biography

2 Target I can identify what type of person Andrew Jackson was and the impact that he had on America during his Presidency.

3 Warm-Up Write down one word that you would use to describe the boy below: β€œAt age 13, he joined the Patriots but was captured by the British. When a British officer ordered the young prisoner to clean his boots, the boy refused.”

4 Andrew Jackson- Background
Born in a log cabin on the frontier His parents were immigrants from Ireland They died by the time he was 15 He grew up tough

5 A Military Man Joined American Revolution at age of 13
Creek War Victory Indian battle during the War of 1812 War of 1812 Victory at Battle of New Orleans 1818 Seminole Victories Helped regain Florida

6 Personal Life Studied Law at North Carolina Made money in real estate
Practiced in Tennessee Made money in real estate Buying and selling in Georgia & Alabama Married Rachel Robards Recently divorced woman Controversy surrounding their marriage

7 Nicknames for Jackson β€œOld Hickory” β€œKing Jackson” β€œSharp Knife”
Given to him by soldiers he commanded Meant he was as tough as the wood on a hickory tree β€œKing Jackson” Given to him by his political opponents They thought he was trying to take over the country β€œSharp Knife” Given by Native Americans He was ruthless in dealing with them

8 Election of 1824 Disputed Election He received the most popular votes
But not a majority of the electoral votes Went to Congress They elected John Quincy Adams A few issues existed that Jackson was angry about Called it a β€œCorrupt Bargain” β€œβ€¦there was cheating and corruption and bribery, too.” His anger damaged Adams efforts as president

9 Election of 1828 Rematch between Adams and Jackson
β€œCorrupt Bargainer” vs. β€œMilitary Chieftain” Jackson won easily and became president a few months later His wife died before he became president however He blamed Adams

10 Spoils System After the election, he fired many government employees
He hired many of his supporters β€œThe duties of all public offices are…so plain and simple…” A supporter said, β€œTo the victor goes the spoils” Very few of his supporters were qualified Unofficial advisors were referred to as his β€œKitchen Cabinet”

11 Dealing with the Bank Jackson hated the federal bank
He let them know! β€œThe bank…is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!” He felt the National Bank was only helping the rich Issue dealing with farmers and merchants He vetoed a renewal of the bank Ended the National Bank and sent money to state banks

12 Jackson believed BUS was too powerful because it was privately owned.
THE BANK WAR Biddle v Jackson Jackson believed BUS was too powerful because it was privately owned. Considered it unconstitutional regardless of Marshall’s McCulloch vs. Maryland The Bank War inspired numerous cartoons. The boxers are Nicholas Biddle and Andrew Jackson. The lady holding a bottle of port says, "Darken his daylights, Nick. Put the Screws to him my tulip!" Daniel Webster: "Blow me tight if Nick ain't been crammed too much. You see as how he's losing his wind!" Henry Clay: "Hurrah Nick my kiddy! Hit him a pelt in the smellers!" Martin Van Buren: "Go it Hickory, my old Duffer! give it to him in the bread basket, it will make him throw up his deposits!" Major Jack Downing (a mythical Jacksonian hero): "I swan if the Ginral hain't been taken lessons from Fuller!" The man standing next to the whiskey bottle: "Hurrah my old yallow flower of the forrest, walk into him like a streak of Greased lightning through a gooseberry bush!" Should be controlled more by government and the people because it was corrupt. Nicholas Biddle, President of the BUS, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster supported the BUS

13 Nullification Crisis Tariff of Abominations
This tariff helped manufacturers in the North and hurt Southern planters Southern states now paid more for European goods States decided to nullify the federal law Means they weren’t going to follow the law A smaller tariff was put in its place South Carolina still wasn’t happy They talked about seceding Leaving the Union Jackson didn’t like this! He thought it would lead to civil war

The constitutional doctrine of implied powers was used to justify higher protective tariffs Protective tariff would be raised to 45% on a dollar…. South upset with this b/c they saw the US Govt. favoring the North and industry… Feared the US Govt. would take away slavery

15 JACKSON VS CALHOUN John C. Calhoun, resigns as VP because of the Eaton Affair and Tariff of 1828 Tariff of Abomination Calhoun becomes a US Senator from South Carolina and defends slavery and state’s rights. Calhoun threatened secession (leaving the US) if tariff was not lowered. Calhoun believed in the doctrine of nullification or each state had the right to decide whether to obey a federal law or to declare it null and void South Carolina Exposition---Compact theory

16 Webster attacked the idea that any state could defy or leave the Union
WEBSTER VS HAYNE DEBATE Daniel Webster of Massachusetts debated Robert Hayne of SC on the nature of the federal Union under the Constitution in 1830 Webster attacked the idea that any state could defy or leave the Union Hayne argued that the states had the right to nullify federal laws believed to be unconstitutional

17 Jackson on Secession β€œIf one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.” β€œIf we get in a war over this I will kill anyone responsible for starting the war.”

18 Political Split Jackson was very strong willed
His presidency caused a division in his political party Democrats Whigs

19 MSQ Why might you consider Jackson to be a strong-willed person?
What was the craziest thing Jackson did that we discussed today? Do you think Jackson had the characteristics of a good or a bad president? Explain.

20 Accomplishments Enlarged the power of the presidency
JACKSON'S LEGACY Accomplishments Enlarged the power of the presidency β€œThe President is the direct representative of the American people” Only responsible to the people, not Congress Converted the veto into an effective presidential power The veto would help presidents shape legislation in Congress Political parties seen as a positive good

JACKSON'S LEGACY JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY Grew out of the rich soil of Jeffersonian republicanism JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY Political world changed during the New Democracy. Two new political parties emerge WHIGS Strong national govt. Favored the BUS, protective tariffs, internal improvements, industry, public schools and moral reforms such as prohibition of liquor and abolition of slavery. Best and privileged run the govt. DEMOCRATS Believed in state’s rights and federal restrain in economic and social affairs. Liberty of the individual and were fiercely on guard against the inroads of privilege into the government. Pro-slavery Protected the common man….

22 Indian Removal Jackson’s Goal? 1830: Indian Removal Act
Expansion into the southwest for southern planters 1830: Indian Removal Act 5 Civilized Tribes: (forced removal) Cherokee Creek Choctaw Chickasaw Seminole Cherokee Nation v. GA (1831) β€œdomestic dependent nation” Worcester v. GA (1832) Cherokee law is sovereign and Georgia law does not apply in Cherokee nation. Jackson: John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it!


24 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831): John Marshall
The Court ruled that the state of Georgia could not seize the lands of a "domestic, dependent nation" which possessed some sovereignty. The Cherokees were NOT a foreign nation as described in the Constitution. (R) "The conditions of the Indians in relation to the United States is perhaps unlike that of any two people in existence," Chief Justice John Marshall wrote, "their relation to the United States resembles that of a ward to his guardian. (they were a) domestic dependent nation." Established a "trust relationship" with the tribes directly under federal authority.

25 Worcester v. Georgia (1832): John Marshall
Established tribal autonomy (self-governing state, community, or group within their boundaries), The tribes were β€œdistinct political communities, having territorial boundaries within which their authority is exclusive (private).” The Court ruled that the laws of Georgia had not force within the territorial boundaries of the Cherokee Nation.



28 Trial of tears GROWTH OF SLAVERY

29 Trial of tears GROWTH OF SLAVERY

30 Trial of tears GROWTH OF SLAVERY

31 Trial of tears

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