Solent Business Support Briefing 24 th February 2015 University of Southampton.

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Presentation on theme: "Solent Business Support Briefing 24 th February 2015 University of Southampton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solent Business Support Briefing 24 th February 2015 University of Southampton

2 Steve Futter Senior Account Manager Solent Local Enterprise Partnership

3 Enable infrastructure priorities Establish a single inward investment model to encourage companies to open new sites in the region Invest in skills to establish a sustainable pattern of growth Establish the area as a business gateway by developing strategic sectors and clusters Support innovation and build innovative capacity in the Solent area by building on substantial knowledge assets Support new businesses, enterprise and ensure SME survival and growth The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)

4 Grant funding competition for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and new start-ups in the Solent to assist with creating or safeguarding jobs Re-launched following successful first two phases of the fund Available on a Solent-wide basis Grant funding available: £5,000 - £75,000 Fund total: £1.85m Closing Date: March 2016 Bridging the Gap (BTG) Fund

5 Funding call from the Solent LEP, DGP and University of Southampton to bring forward and de-risk innovative technologies in the area of Maritime Autonomous Systems Grant funding available to SMEs across the Solent: £25,000 - £75,000 SMEs to get involved in the work of the new UK Centre for Maritime Intelligent Systems Fund total: £1m Closing Date: March 2016 Solent Defence Growth Partnership SME Fund

6 Part of a £14m package of support to mitigate the impact of the decision to cease shipbuilding operations at Portsmouth Naval Base Funding available to SMEs in the defence, aerospace or advanced manufacturing sectors to create of safeguard jobs Grant funding available: £100,000 - £500,000 Total fund: £3.7m Closing Date: March 2016 Solent Advanced Manufacturing SME Fund

7 Total funding allocated: £4,624,663 Leverage total: £13,186,804 Number of jobs safeguarded: 397 Number of jobs created: 459 RGF Funding Achievements So Far…

8 Top Five Most Common Mistakes... 1.Incomplete / inconsistent / hurried application 2.Not submitting supporting evidence – accounts, CVs, business plan... 3.Match funding not secured – or even identified 4.Seeking funding for existing working capital costs 5.Project and job creation aims do not align with financial projections

9 ...and the Top Five Elements of a Good Application 1.Guidance notes for the specific fund have been read and adhered to 2.Application is complete (please!), consistent and well focused 3.All additional information is submitted on time 4.The Business Plan is well structured and tailored for the specific fund 5.Makes a strong case for investment – they are all competitive funds

10 Siobhan Flynn Skills Manager Solent LEP

11 Solent Employer Ownership of Skills Programme The Solent Employer Ownership of Skills Programme is a competitive fund of £1.5 million, with £750,000 available in the period up to July 2015. It is open to private sector employers of all sizes to invest in their current and future workforce. Employers can develop proposals to create jobs, raise skills, and drive enterprise and economic growth in the Solent, and look for co-investment from Solent LEP to contribute to the costs. The programme invites ambitious bids from employers in Advanced Manufacturing, Defence, Marine and Maritime, Aerospace and Technology sectors who are willing to work together to deliver skills solutions in their industry and locality.

12 Solent Employer Ownership of Skills Programme Employers are invited to develop proposals in two main areas: Proposals which will enable employers to improve the skills of their current and future workforce. Industrial partnerships to take wider responsibility for skills development in a place or sector. For both types of bids there are three themes we are particularly interested to explore: Apprenticeships (particularly the development of higher level pathways); Encouraging and enabling SMEs to train their workforce; Cooperation between employers in sectors, supply chains and localities, and with colleges and providers.

13 Private sector led Open to employers of any size to apply Revenue not capital Will only fund activity that cannot be supported by other means Minimum bid thresholds: – £50,000 for collaborative bids that are SME led – £100,000 for individual or consortia bids involving large employers Private sector contribution minimum of 60% of total costs Key Parameters

14 Single stage application process BUT it is strongly advised to submit an Expression of Interest available at Both EOI & Full applications should be submitted to: An Investment Panel will use the information provided in the application to make a decision. Final decision is taken by the Solent LEP Board Next deadline Friday 13 th March 2015 Round three deadline – Friday 16 th January 20 Application Process

15 Solent Employer Ownership Skills Fund _programme Further information

16 Denise Barlow Head of Projects & Communications Solent Growth Hub

17 Contents The One Stop Shop How It Works & What We Do Signposting & Navigators Support Available How We Keep In Touch What Our Customers Say About Us Q&A

18 One Stop Shop Phone Face-to-Face Website Events The Service

19 Services Offered Signposting We do the hard work for you! Identify your business needs Finance People & Skills Marketing & Sales Delivered through telephone & face to face Navigators as well as the online portal

20 Signposting & Navigators Funding Opportunities Enterprise Vouchers & Investment Grants Solent LEP Growth Accelerator Manufacturing Advisory Service Local Council Opportunities National Growth Vouchers BIS Collaboration: Local Regional National

21 Signposting & Navigators Growing Your Business Through Sales & Marketing – Free Events & Opportunities Online – Superfast Broadband, Cyber Crime Sustainability – Future Solent, Green Grants Staff Development - Growth Accelerator, FE Colleges, Universities & Apprenticeships

22 Our Funding Enterprise Vouchers Technology based businesses, advanced manufacturing sector (including the marine and maritime sector) and the associated wider supply chain. The application process includes a Growth Audit undertaken by the University of Portsmouth Business School Up to £20,000 on a 1:1 match funding Investment Grants The aim of this grant is to ensure that businesses can achieve significant growth and create new employment opportunities Up £150,000 on a 3:1 match funding

23 Our Funding The Digital Capability Fund is aimed at SME businesses who are working on increasing their online presence -Up to £1500 of match funding available per business -SME’s in the Solent LEP area -Projects must have taken place between October 24 th 2014 – March 6 th 2015 -Can cover training, social media campaigns, lead generating software, developments etc. -Simple application process Digital Capability Fund:

24 Signposting

25 Promotion

26 Engagement -We have engaged with over 50 different businesses on the Isle of Wight ranging from shipbuilders, community projects, produce, clothing and much more. -Our face to face Navigator frequently travels to the island for meetings with local businesses. -The sectors you work in, we work in – marine, manufacturing, engineering, creative, transport and more. -Regular outbound campaigns to local businesses informing them of the support available.

27 Available Support National Growth Voucher Programme –a voucher of up to £2,000 Southampton Solent University Growth Voucher –free workshop to identify growth. Business Growth Service - Growth Accelerator/MAS. Solent Local Enterprise Partnership There is also range of local support which Navigators can help you with on a one-to-one basis.

28 Collaboration – Case Study Business Edge - manufacturing air conditioning unit approached in April 2014 by the Solent Growth hub team Telephone triage Face to Face visit One Stop Shop Recommended University of Portsmouth KTP Env iNet 12/20 hours research from the Region’s Solent Universities. Enterprise Voucher for £20,000 £100,000 Green grant

29 Testimonial – Case Study “One Stop Shop referred the client to me, brokered an appointment and I went along to see the owner and his project. In the meantime Ray had also suggested meeting the University of Portsmouth to discuss a possible KTP. Once I had visited the company and seen the project I agreed with Ray that this was a great company with an outstanding project that qualified for our support. I asked the Env iNet team to assist as they have access to 12/20 hours research from the Region’s Solent Universities. The Env iNet team became involved at an early stage and also helped to prepare the company for the interview panels – in fact they attended both panels to provide background data on the company. I also referred the company to UKTI as there is clear export potential. The result of all this collaborative work is that Business Edge were awarded a £100,000 green grant on June 6 th that will enable them to create 20 jobs locally as well as launch a highly innovative product to world markets” -Richard Hall, Future Solent

30 Deltair Airmotive Ltd

31 Ray Vernon Director Splice Marketing

32 Uniting Community & Commerce Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

33 Agenda Introduction of Craveocity Demonstration of Craveocity Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

34 UK Businesses How many businesses are there in the UK? Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015 5.243 million 99% are small to medium size businesses employing 0-249 people: 5,190,570 96% are micro (0-9) businesses – 5,033,280

35 286,000 retail businesses Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

36 High Street Retail Numbers – Forecast to 2018 Total store numbers fall by 22%. Job losses could be around 316,000 (compare to today), Further 164 major or medium-sized companies going into administration with the loss of 22,600 stores and 140,000 employees. Despite Portas Pilots around 41% of town centres will lose 27,638 stores. Source: Retail in 2018 by Centre for Retail Research Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

37 UK Online Numbers – Forecast to 2018 Share of online sales will rise from 12.7% (2012) to 21.5% (2018). Total sales around £58 billion. High transaction carried out online means retailers with strong online offering need just 70 stores for national presence compared to 250 in mid 2000’s Larger retailers are embracing a multi-channel strategy Source: Retail in 2018 by Centre for Retail Research Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

38 House of Commons BIS Report on Retail 2013/2014 Many small businesses have not yet embraced the technology due to their lacking the technical skills to get their businesses online. A major initiative to upskill the owners and managers of small businesses is needed if we are to retain the diverse range of retailers we currently have. Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

39 House of Commons BIS Report on Retail 2013/2014 Retailers need to upskill their customer facing workforces to be able to deal with customers who are increasingly willing to shop across a variety of channels. In many cases the customer is ahead of retailer ability to respond. Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015

40 House of Commons BIS Report on Retail 2013/2014 TalkTalk Group's written evidence stated that half a million SMEs lacked the digital skills required to make the most of online opportunities and that only 14% of SMEs sold products and services online. Property of Crave Things Limited - 2015


42 What do you get? Do It Yourself Build your store Import your products Import your images Premium Cloud Hosting 100gb Bandwidth & 10gb Hard Drive Space Click & Collect Multiple delivery options 30 day rolling agreement PayPal & One other Support Desk Daily Back Up SSL Security Crave Assist We build your store We import your products We import your images Premium Cloud Hosting unlimited bandwidth & 25 gb server space 12 month agreement Click & Collect Multiple delivery options Domain Name PayPal & One other Support Desk Daily Back Up SSL Security Property of Crave Things Limited - 2014

43 How Much Does It Cost? Do It Yourself 10% on all sales except electronics 5% on all electronics Payment System Charges 1.25% to 2.7% Crave Assist £40/month Payment System Charges 1.25% to 2.7% Property of Crave Things Limited - 2014

44 Ray Vernon Managing Director Off: 0330 111 0117 Mobile: 07766 012121

45 Q&A

46 Call us: 02392 834893 Email us: Sign up for news at: Follow us: @solentlep Find out more:

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