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Gene Regulation & Mutation. DNA strand Operons Control which genes are transcribed in response to the environment Operator PromoterRegulatory geneProtein.

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Presentation on theme: "Gene Regulation & Mutation. DNA strand Operons Control which genes are transcribed in response to the environment Operator PromoterRegulatory geneProtein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gene Regulation & Mutation

2 DNA strand

3 Operons Control which genes are transcribed in response to the environment Operator PromoterRegulatory geneProtein gene On/offRNA polymerase binding site Gene that codes for switch Desired protein


5 trp Operon mRNA made when no tryptophan is present mRNA not made when tryptophan is present

6 lac operon No lac present, no mRNA lac present, mRNA

7 Difference between trp and lac trp considered “repressible” Presence of something causes transcription to STOP lac considered “inducible” Presence of something causes transcription to START


9 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Transcription factors Stabilizers or regulators

10 Stabilizers Allow RNA polymerase stay together

11 Regulators Allow RNA polymerase complex to form (open activation sites)

12 Hox Genes Control differentiation of an organism’s body plan


14 Single-stranded-small interfering RNA Bind to mRNA in the cytoplasm and cause it to be cut Application for fighting cancer is being studied


16 Mutation A permanent change in a cell’s DNA Point mutations—Change in one base-pair Deletions of large portions of a chromosome One letter Whole words

17 Point Mutations Table on page 346 with sentence analogies Substitution – missense and nonsense Frameshift– deletion and insertion

18 Protein folding Amino acids have unique charges Order of amino acids dictates how they bond with each other Unique folds Mutations ruin Alzheimer's, CF, diabetes, cancer…


20 Proofreading Wrong nucleotide 1 in 100,000 bases Unfixed nucleotide 1 in 1,000,000,000

21 Mutagens Increase risk of mutations Bases pair improperly or mimic nucleotides UV radiation causes neighboring T’s to bind to each other


23 Selective Breeding Choose which traits you want passed down


25 Hybridization Combines the best of both worlds Farmers have been doing for thousands of years Humans have found many applications…

26 Inbreeding Breeding of closely related organisms Pro—desired traits are more likely to be passed down Con—recessive mutations more likely to be passed down


28 Genetic Engineering Technology that manipulates DNA


30 Genome Total DNA present in a nucleus of a cell Allows scientists to pinpoint genes Use to determine if mutations are present and how to fix

31 Restriction enzymes Cut specific sequences of DNA Create sticky or blunt end EcoRI -- GAATTC Can combine


33 Gel Electrophoresis Electric current separates DNA segments based on size Cut DNA with restriction enzymes DNA is unique and will cut in different spots


35 Recombinant DNA DNA from 2 different sources Use DNA ligase to join two DNA molecules

36 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Makes millions of copies of specific DNA fragment Used to sequence bases Determine protein function and find mutations

37 Transgenic Organisms Organisms that have DNA from another organism Common in plants; corn, rice, cotton Could be used in animals to grow transplant organs


39 Human Genome Project Sequencing all DNA nucleotides in the human Identify genes in human chromosomes Identify mutations Determine how to fix mutations

40 Gene Therapy Inserting correct DNA to fix mutations Use a virus to insert correct gene sequence


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