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Master in Engineering and Management of Technology MEGT – 9 th edition Course: Microeconomics Margarida Catalão – DEG, IST

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1 Master in Engineering and Management of Technology MEGT – 9 th edition Course: Microeconomics Margarida Catalão – DEG, IST

2 Syllabus The course provides students with Microeconomics as a tool for analysing and understanding real-world phenomena. It covers the basics of the theory of consumer and producer choices, market structures, regulation, information and market failures. A collection of more advanced topics in oligopoly and firm interaction closes the course. Link to Course Plan

3 Grading Home Assignment (15%): In groups of 3 to 4 students. Writing and presenting in class a lecture on one of the course topics. The presentation is intended to last 60 minutes, followed by a 20 minutes discussion. Other students are highly encouraged to pose questions and participate in the discussion. The written piece must be handed-in prior to the class. Exam at the end of the term (40%).

4 Term-paper (45%): Again in groups of 3 to 4 students. Detailed description and analysis of a case study involving public policies designed to overcome market failures. Examples of these are Government interventions in cases of market-dominance (e.g. the Microsoft case), regulation of the energy sector, environmental policies, public incentives to R&D and innovation, among others. The choice of the topic should take into account the student’s interests and be made with a view towards the future development of the Master thesis. A note on possible extensions should be present. The paper must be handed-in until the end of the term and should not exceed 7000 words.

5 Guidelines to Evaluation Items Home Assignment The companion written piece to the class presentation must contain some essential features: Introduction: put the topic in the context of the course’s structure and objectives. Clearly state the objectives of the lecture and the structure of the exposition. Main body: the material covered should be clearly and rigorously presented. This involves a balanced combination of algebra, well-structured text and graphical illustrations. Examples that provide extra intuition and suggest practical applications should also be present. Summary and possible extensions. List of recommended readings: provide supplementary bibliographic references, with a brief description of their contents, in order to allow a deeper approach to the subject.

6 Guidelines to Evaluation Items (cont´d) Term-paper It is upon the students to choose the topic, bibliography, expositional approach, etc. The written piece must contain some essential features: Introduction: motivation of the paper, aims of the paper and contribution to the solution of real-life problems/issues. Also include a brief sketch of the main results/conclusions. Main body: clear and rigorous description of the research undertaken, duly organized in sections and subsections. The most important results in the literature should be cited in the proper context. Conclusion: summary of the results/conclusions that can be inferred from the research undertaken. Elements for further research. List of bibliographic references.

7 Bibliography Main Varian, H. (2003), Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, 6 th ed., W. W. Norton & Co. For specific topics Cabral, L. (2000), Introduction to Industrial Organization, MIT Press. Laffont, J.-J. and J. Tirole (1993), A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation, MIT Press. Macho-Stadler, I. and J. D. Pérez-Castrillo (2001), An Introduction to the Economics of Information: Incentives and Contracts, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press. Tirole, J. (1988), The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press.

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