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Slideshow from Chinese Dynasties Slideshow from

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1 Slideshow from
Chinese Dynasties Slideshow from

2 Chinese Dynasties From beginning to end…
Shang Dynasty 1766 BCE BCE Zhou Dynasty 1122 BCE -256 BCE Qin Dynasty 221 BCE BCE Han Dynasty 206 BCE - 220AD Sui Dynasty 589 AD AD Tang Dynasty 618 AD AD Sung Dynasty 969 AD AD Yuan Dyansty 1279 AD AD Ming Dynasty 1368 AD AD Manchu or Qing Dynasty 1644 AD AD 1912 – 1949 Nationalism and Communism 1949 – present Communism

3 Shang Dynasty 1766 BCE BCE First organised river society, introduced writing on oracles bones, local trade, ancestor worship, bronze age, Huang He river

4 Chou Dynasty 1122 BCE -256 BCE Feudal regional China, “Warring period”, 100 Schools of Philosophy = 3 new philsophies (legalism, Taoism, Confucianism) iron age

5 Ch’in Dynasty 221 BCE BCE Shi Huang di, unified China using legalism, cruel to Confucians, Great Wall, Terra Cotta army, standardized money, weights, roads and centralized power

6 Han Dynasty 206 BCE - 220AD Classical Age of China, inventions (paper) Confucian civil servie begins, wealthy traders, extend Great Wall, Silk Road, excellent art, public school conquered by Huns

7 Sui Dynasty 589 AD - 618 AD after 300 years of regional rule in China,
Re-unite a smaller China, Grand Canal, graineries to feed the poor, legalist and very much like the Ch’in

8 Tang Dynasty 618 AD AD Confucian, conquer more territory in China and Korea, influence in Japan, inventions (printing press, gunpower), landscape painting, Buddhist increase in numbers

9 Song Dynasty 969 AD AD Merchant society, urban life increases, rich, Confucian and Buddhist, lots of trade along Silk Road, crushed by Mongols

10 Yuan Dyansty 1279 AD AD Mongols led by Kublai Khan, use Chinese system of govt with foreign rulers, 40 million Chinese killed, Confucians were persecuted but they are able to write drama and opera, trade increases along Silk Road, Taoism grows because the Mongols like it

11 Ming Dynasty 1368 AD AD Re-take China from Mongols, tons of trade with Asia, some with Europe in porcelain, for silver and tea, Neo Confucians, re-instate the Civil service exam, great Navy Zheng He, extend the Great Wall, the Manchu northern tribes conquer them

12 Manchu or Qing Dynasty 1644 AD - 1912 AD
Foreign conquerors of China; oppressed the native Han Chinese; trade with Europeans eventually leads to conflict in the Opium Wars and then to the foreign occupation of coastal cities of China. Rebellions like the Taiping and Lotus Flower Rebellions as well as foreign conflict and govt corruption led to its downfall

13 Nationalism and Communism (1911-1949)
After the fall of the Qing Empire, nationalists and communists in China alternated between fighting for power in China and uniting to fight against Japanese invasions of China. WWII brought this era to an end when the Communists under Mao Tse-Dong defeated the nationalists and took over China

14 Chinese Communist Republic
Started by Mao, the Communist state controls China as a totalitarian state. The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution helped modernize China but also caused the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese peasants and intellectual leaders. The Massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989 started the economic freedom of China but did not change the political situation.

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