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Phrases 7th Grade Chapter 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrases 7th Grade Chapter 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrases 7th Grade Chapter 14

2 Prepositional Phrases: Adjective and Adverb Phrases

3 What is a Phrase? A phrase is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and that does not contain both a verb and its subject.

4 What is a clause? A clause is a group of related words that is used as a single part of speech and that does contain both a verb and its subject.

5 Let’s see, are these phrases or clauses?
As soon as the bell rings Around the beautiful, fragrant garden That I really want Any student can join Thinking about tonight’s game To run the marathon Swimming the length of the pool

6 Let’s Try Some More! when you know as they walked in in the garden
is sleeping how she remembered smiling brightly to the supermarket where the car is to laugh at myself if he says so

7 What is a Prepositional Phrase?
A prepositional phrase includes a preposition, a noun, or a pronoun called the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of that object. There are 2 kinds of prepositional phrases: adjective phrases and adverb phrases

8 Prepositional Phrase Examples
The Seine River flows through Paris. The car in front of us slide into an icy snowbank. During the stormy night, the black horse ran off. The dish is filled with raw carrots and celery.

9 What is an Adjective Phrase?
A prepositional phrase used as an adjective is called an adjective phrase. ADJECTIVE: Rosa chose the blue one. ADJECTIVE PHRASE: Rosa chose the one with blue stripes.

10 An adjective phrase modifies a noun or a pronoun.
Adjective Phrases An adjective phrase modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjective phrases generally come after the words they modify and answer the same questions that single-work adjectives answer: What kind? Which one? How many? How much?

11 Adjective Phrases The store is open. We bought a CD with the neon sign
by Janet Jackson.

12 What is an Adverb Phrase?
A prepositional phrase used as an adverb is called an adverb phrase. ADVERB: The cavalry will reach the fort soon. ADVERB PHRASE: The cavalry will reach the fort by noon.

13 Adverb Phrases Adverb phrases answer the same questions that single-word adverbs answer: When? Where? How? Why? How often? How long? To what extent?

14 Adverb Phrases We got our new puppy A puppy is always ready
He barks loudly at the animal shelter. for a game. for a puppy.

15 Verbals & Verbal Phrases

16 What is a Verbal? A verbal is a word that is formed from a verb but is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

17 What is a Participle? A participle is a verb that can be used as an adjective. There are present participles (-ing) and past participles (-d or –ed). PRESENT Mr. Sanchez rescued three people from the burning building. PAST Well trained, the soldier successfully carried out her mission.

18 What is a Participial Phrase?
A participial phrase consists of a participle together with its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase is used as an adjective.

19 Participial Phrase Examples
Stretching slowly, the cat jumped down from the windowsill. The tornado predicted by the meteorologist did not hit our area. Reading the assignment, she took notes carefully.

20 Misplaced Modifiers A participial phrase should be placed close to the word it modifies. Otherwise, the phrase may appear to modify another word, and the sentence may not make sense. MISPLACED Hopping along the fence, I saw a rabbit. CORRECTED I saw a rabbit hopping along the fence.

21 BEWARE! There are some past participles that DO NOT end in –d or –ed. These are irregular past participles. Examples – driven, frozen, broken, swept, caught, rung, hung The car driven by Uncle Cletus belonged to Aunt Petunia. We skated on the frozen pond.

22 The Infinitive An infinitive is a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Most infinitives begin with to. NOUN To succeed is my goal. ADJECTIVE The place to meet tomorrow is the library. ADVERB Tamara claims she was born to surf.

23 The Infinitive Phrase An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive together with its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase may be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

24 Infinitive Phrase Examples
To be a good gymnast takes hard work. The first person to fly over both the North Pole and the South Pole was Richard Byrd. Are you ready to go to the gym now?

25 BEWARE! Don’t mistake an infinitive or infinitive phrase for a prepositional phrase starting with to The boy next to the purpled-haired girl went to the stage for his award. The purple-haired girl had to move her feet so he could get around her. Prepositional Phrase Infinitive Phrase

26 Just so you know… Sometimes an adverb will come before the infinitive in the phrase. This adverb is part of the infinitive phrase. The child was told not to leave the playground area alone. The employee who stole merchandise was ordered never to step foot in the store again.

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