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10+ reasons to use… TUBE advertising

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1 10+ reasons to use… TUBE advertising

2 Access to huge audience numbers
1.1 billion passengers used the London Underground last year 3.5 million passenger journeys a day On average, 180,000 people enter the Underground per hour 2 million people travel into Zone 1 every day Source: Exterion MEdia,, TfL

3 Affluent audience, more disposable income
74% of all tube users are ABC1 - busy people with high disposable income A young, audience Higher salaries than non-Tube users (£35k vs £21k national average) 79% of London’s working population use the Tube to commute to and from work Source: Exterion Media, TfL

4 People like seeing adverts on the Underground
87% of commuters welcome advertising on the London Underground – the audience has the desire to engage with it, as it fills their ‘dead’ time It gives passengers something to read and engages them It’s a form of escapism – “I saw a beach and just imagined being there” Source: Exterion Media

5 London workers are low consumers of other media
London workers are hard to reach and costly using other media, because: They spend more time out of home  49% are light TV viewers (under 20 hours a week) Only 45% have listened to commercial radio in the last week Only 39% read a national daily newspaper 72%* of regular Tube users do not read free papers found on the tube, such as The Metro But 90% have seen outdoor advertising in the last week *Source: Exterion Media, London Worker Planning Tool & TGI 2012

6 Commuters are connected
Commuters are more likely than non-commuters to have smart phones WiFi on the Tube now means there is never a missed opportunity to share and connect 69% of CBS’ panel said they have used WiFi on the Underground or probably will 15% have gone straight to the website of a company they have seen an advert for on the Underground Source: Exterion Media, Virgin Media

7 High Dwell Time means more time to read and engage with adverts
79% of commuters have responded to an advert they have seen on the Underground Central London workers spend an average of two hours a day on the Tube Consumers spend around 3 minutes on the platform engaging with cross track ads Passengers have an average of 13 minutes to take in detailed information displayed on Tube Car Panels Source: Exterion Media

8 Digital Underground offers unique opportunities for advertisers
1,619 digital screens in London 3 types of digital screens: DEP, LCD and XTP, all with different selling points Transforms what advertisers can do with the Underground Time specific advertising and advertising with up to minute information means ads are always relevant LU Digital formats can be bought by the day and daypart Source: Exterion Media

9 Tube users index highly on travel and leisure
75% took a holiday in 2012 – 10.9m individuals More likely to fly for leisure Spend more time away Spend more money on travel Early consideration and booking of holidays Source: Exterion Media

10 Tube users: more likely to fly for leisure
Source: TGI, Exterion Media

11 Tube users: more likely to have had multiple holidays in last 12 months
More likely to have taken a holiday in the last 12 months Source: TGI, Exterion Media

12 Commuters agree: the Tube is the right environment for drinks advertisers
“When I’m in the pub, I wouldn’t consider buying a different type of bourbon other than Jack Daniels as the image and history of the brand have stuck with me and it is always the first brand I think of when someone asks what I would like to drink” (male, 25-34) Source: Kantar Media – Interactive Europe 2012, Exterion Media

13 Commuters agree: The Tube is the right environment for drinks advertisers
“Obviously placing an alcoholic drink advertisement on the Tube is perfect placement. I've finished work, standing on the platform reflecting on all of the various issues that have come up and what is the best way to relax…” (25-34, male, UK) Source: Kantar Media – Interactive Europe 2012, Exterion Media

14 Tube users regularly drink out of home
43% of young London Underground users say they drink 2 to 3 times a week out of home, twice that of all adults nationally Young London Underground users are much more spontaneous. 73% will choose to go for a drink depending on how they feel that day 84% of young London Underground users say they regularly go for a drink after work Source: Work, Shop, Play May 2012, Exterion Media

15 The right environment for financial advertising
77% of Tube users own three or more credit cards 58% of tube users are interested in financial advertising 50% of tube users describe themselves as influencers when discussing finance 79% of tube users have a good knowledge about financial services Source: TGI 2012

16 A brilliant medium for publishers
Tube users are heavy book users – they are significantly more likely than non-Tube users to read 6+ books a year Tube users agree that the Underground is a great environment to advertise books Over half of Tube users state that they keep an eye on new releases whilst travelling on the Tube Source: Exterion Media

17 A spot-on medium for pharmaceuticals
Boots ran a DEP campaign with the aim of increasing frequency in store and online The Underground campaign was used to target year old women Exposure to the DEPs had a positive effect on respondent visits Over half of women (53%) who use the Underground recall seeing the Boots DEP adverts that featured Source: Exterion Media

18 The Underground reflects what can be found above ground
Specific stations offer different brand associations The Underground is a gateway to what’s above ground The Underground is as diverse as London itself - Camden for music, Knightsbridge for fashion Advertisers can pick just the right station ambience and proximity to stores which stock their products Source: Exterion Media

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