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Competitive Summer Season Week of Oct 1 U9/U10 – 2v1 Attack – Combination Play.

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Presentation on theme: "Competitive Summer Season Week of Oct 1 U9/U10 – 2v1 Attack – Combination Play."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competitive Summer Season Week of Oct 1 U9/U10 – 2v1 Attack – Combination Play

2 - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way When you get there Session will be Play (until you have 8 players) – 11+ Warm-up (8 minutes) – Work (35 minutes) – Play (8 minutes) Take attendance Play to start once you have 8 players begin session 11+ should only take about 8 minutes tops – need to know what 11+ is check week 1 session Some groups you will need to provide the energy so be prepared with a few silly things mixed in but get back to business ASAP

3 11+ - To see the 11+ in action go to:

4 - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Key Coach Players Players w/ball Cones Balls Pugg Goal

5 - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Play – To end line -Split the players into two teams -Play 3v3 to start and play no larger then 4v4 once you have players you should begin play shortly thereafter -Have a pile of balls near each end line when you run out of balls go collect -Dribbling over endline KEYS Look for opportunities to get forward Remind players that smashing into players forward can be solved by playing backwards then forwards sometimes 35 yds. 25 yds.

6 - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Activity 1 – Partner thru Gates -Partner players up -Players will pass to teammate and run thru gate to get return pass on other side -Challenge players with using outside of foot to make first pass and pass in front of combining player so they can run onto it -Have partners keep score and play short rounds -Keep it self referenced -Beat your own score by two, three, x KEYS Be quick How do have to dribble the ball if you want to be fast Body shape players must stay low and be explosive

7 - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Activity 2 – Cut Throat -Groups of 4 so you will need a couple of fields -Players will play 1v1 on field with 2 neutrals that help attacker -Score by hitting cones -Player that scores stays; player scored on switches with one of the neutrals -Neutrals can move along the line -Play begins with scorer starting with ball dribbling on from their end. KEYS Attack with pace! Better to have gone too fast and lose a loose ball then to approach slowly Set D up to one side to attack the space in behind on the other For better players remind them to take a touch back across the D once they get them on their back 20 yds. 10 yds.

8 - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Activity 3 – Play -Split the players onto two teams -Play 3v3 to start and play no larger then 5v5 with a few subs if necessary. Adjust the field a little more space is better then too small -Have a pile of balls near each end line when you run out of balls go collect -One team could play to goal w/sweeper/GK -Can challenge team going to cone goal by making them one bounce the ball thru goal so it would be a mini chip KEYS Effort is number 1 priority if effort is not sufficient pull player out and have them watch until the are ready to give effort Willingness to Defend and Attack Look for opportunities to shoot 35 yds. 25 yds.

9 Thanks Have fun, be detailed, be demanding!

10 U9/U10 Week of Oct 1 – 2v1 Combo Activity 1 – Partner thru Gates Activity 2 – Cut Throat Play 3v3 up to 5v5 End Line Partners One partner plays ball and runs thru gate other player makes return pass Can you encourage players to switch goals rather designate who does what Groups of 4v4 – 2 players will play 1v1 while the other 2 are bouncers Player who scores stays on the field – Player scored on is off and becomes a bouncer while one of the bouncers steps on to play Keep score amongst the group 3v3 up to 5v5 with subs if necessary Mentality Relate to theme of the day Harp and pass and MOVE The key is MOVEMENT Surface choice to use Return pass ahead of player so they can explode on to it Attack at PACE Better to be too fast and lose control rather then plodding Encourage players to set up D so there is space in behind to attack Effort Team attacks/team defends Play - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way 11+ Once you have 8 players begin formal WU This should take about 8 mins Not a race Focus on proper movement

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