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Brass instruments in the Renaissance By Brieann Nathan and Haydn.

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Presentation on theme: "Brass instruments in the Renaissance By Brieann Nathan and Haydn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brass instruments in the Renaissance By Brieann Nathan and Haydn

2 History of the natural Trumpet They date back to the 2 nd millennium BC in Egypt They only made one or two notes Most had a straight barrel that was 2 ft.

3 Other facts about the Natural Trumpet With the natural trumpet the playing tube cannot be altered Modern European trumpets were made of wood or metal The natural trumpet was used in war Another name for the natural trumpet is the valve less trumpet

4 Other Facts about the Natural Trumpet They were s-shaped with bell ends for easier portability

5 Sackbut

6 History of Sackbut The sackbut is the ancestor of the modern day trombone. There weren’t very many musicians using the trombone, but one known musician was Erhardus Borussus of Dresden.

7 History of Sackbut Continued The sackbut was rarely used, but when it was it was for royalty, militaries, and operas. Some people believe that the trombone evolved from the trumpet.

8 Other Facts The very versatile sackbut varies very little from the present- day trombone. Some differences include a smaller mouthpiece and funnel end. It can be made out of either brass or wood.

9 The Cornett or Cornetto

10 The Cornett or cornetto history Usually made of ivory or wood Holes like that of a recorder Made by cutting apart two pieces and holowing each one out then regluing them. takes lots of practice to play Often curved and leather is applied to seal any weak places in the wood

11 Corrnet and Cornetto History Continued When correctly played from a distance sounds like a human voice. Often used in haromy with the sacbut Plays a C or D Major


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