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Noun- Adjective Agreement & the verb ‘ser’

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1 Noun- Adjective Agreement & the verb ‘ser’
Pregunta esencial: How do I use adjectives with nouns and the verb ‘to be’ to describe people in Spanish?

2 CONNECT: A noun, adjective & verb have the same function in Spanish and English: NOUN – A person place or thing Ejemplo: Miguel, the library, el libro ADJECTIVE – A word that describes the noun Miguel es tall The big library El libro azul VERB – An action / activity Miguel runs everyday. The students read at the library The red book is heavy

3 Nota: In English, the adjectives usually come before the noun.
Ejemplo: The pretty woman. In Spanish, the adjectives come after the noun. Ejemplo: La mujer bonita.

4 Agreement: Adjectives match the gender and number of the nouns they describe Remember that every noun is either masculine or feminine!!!

5 Masculine Singular: Plural: El chico alto - Los chicos altos
The tall boy - The tall boys

6 Feminine Singular Plural La chica alta - las chicas altas
The tall girl - the tall girls

7 Exceptions Adjectives that end in –e match both genders
El maestro inteligente La maestra inteligente

8 Exceptions Many adjectives that end in a consonant match both genders
El amigo joven La amiga joven

9 Exceptions Some adjectives that end in a consonant add –a to form the feminine singular. ¡Lo siento! You just have to memorize them El chico trabajador La chica trabajadora

10 Pluralize! To make an adjective plural, add –s if it ends in a vowel
Add –es if it ends in a consonant Las chicas trabajadoras Los chicos trabajadores

11 Práctica Athletic : feminine/ singular Tall: masculine/ plural Intelligent: feminine /singular Intelligent: feminine/ plural Short: masculine/ plural

12 Práctica Write in Spanish: Sally is athletic
Mr. Smith is a little handsome. Rafael is very funny. You (masculine) are serious. EXTRA! – The tall girl likes to study.

13 When to use ‘Ser’ – To be Español 1

14 Let’s begin with pronouns!
SUBJECT PRONOUNS take the place of the subject (noun) of the sentence. Yo I Nosotros We You (informal) Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes Él / Ella / Usted He/She/You (formal) They (M & F)/You (plural)

15 Ser – To Be Conjugated forms of Ser – To be Soy Somos Eres Es Son

16 Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes son
Lets Put Them Together Yo soy Nosotros somos I am We are Tú eres You are Él / Ella / Usted es Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes son He/She is / You are They are

17 Práctica Which pronoun do you use for the following people:
Joseph y yo Clara y Marta Nicholas, Matthew, and Julie When talking to an adult When talking to a peer


19 Práctica Translate the following sentences:
You (formal) are very tall. Gloria is artistic They (masculine) are a little small. We are hard-working students.

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