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Anti-Semitism, Racism, and the Holocaust

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1 Anti-Semitism, Racism, and the Holocaust

2 Learning Targets I can explain the initial stages of the Holocaust, including sterilization. I can explain why no countries intervened to stop the Holocaust. I can identify groups targeted by the Nazis in the Holocaust. I can define anti-Semitism.

3 Hitler Takes Over Germany
Hitler was NOT a communist!!! He promoted “National Socialism” or Nazism, and was a fascist and racist. Blamed the Jews, socialists, and communists for Germany’s… Defeat in WWI Economic depression Lack of global power Took power in 1933 and turned Germany from a republic to a dictatorship. That year, Nazis led a boycott against Jewish businesses.

4 Sterilization Law Nazi Germany began sterilizing people against their will in 1934. People with disabilities, mental illness, epilepsy, deafness, blindness, schizophrenia, etc. U.S. had been involuntarily sterilizing the same groups for decades—plus Native Americans and Blacks. By 1939, Hitler began killing these groups instead of sterilizing them.

5 Raleigh, North Carolina

6 Racial Integrity Law of 1924
Virginia began sterilizing people deemed as “unfit.” Often labeled the lower class and minorities as “unfit.” “The Germans are beating us at our own game.” “I hope this work is complete and not one has been missed.” (commenting on Nazis sterilization of Blacks)

7 “Euthanasia” of Disabled
60000 RM This is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the Community of Germans during his lifetime. Fellow Citizen, that is your money, too. Read 'A New People' The monthly magazines of the Office for Race Politics of the NSDAP

8 Nuremberg Laws Began with segregation of public places.
“No Jews Allowed” signs were all over. In 1935, Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws. Didn’t allow Jews to marry or have intercourse with non-Jews. Took away citizenship rights of Jews Jews weren’t allowed to hire non-Jews to be maids Not allowed to wear national colors or have flag Also defined someone as being Jewish by their ancestry—NOT based on religious beliefs!

9 Anti-Semitic Propaganda
“The Jews are our misfortune.”

10 1936 Olympics Held in Berlin, under Nazi Germany.
Hitler wanted to use Olympic Games to provide superiority of “Aryan race.” Didn’t allow Jews or racial minorities to join American Jesse Owens won four gold medals!

11 Formation of Ghettos In 1939, Nazis began forcing Jews into segregated neighborhoods called Ghettos. Waited there to be taken to concentration camps. Also began having to wear Star of David to identify themselves as Jewish.

12 Warsaw Ghetto – 1943

13 Concentration & Death Camps
Healthier  concentration camps Weaker  death camps Pack Jews into backs of trucks and let the truck fill with exhaust. “Shower rooms”- Jews were told they were going to take showers. Instead, they were locked in and carbon monoxide was released into the room. All dead bodies were burned and buried. So many were burned that ashes in the air would cover cars in nearby towns on a daily basis.


15 S. S. St. Louis A ship of over 900 Jewish refugees from Germany tried getting U.S. visas. U.S. refused to let the boat dock in Miami due to immigration quotas against Jews. Sent back to Europe where 600+ died.

16 Other Atrocities Performed sick medical experiments on children, particularly twins. Injecting ink in eyes to try to change eye color. Seeing if twins could feel each other’s pain. Filled seat cushions and mattresses with human hair of victims. Used the bones of victims as legs for coffee tables. Used the skin of victims as lamp shades.

17 Roma Children as Victims of Medical Experiments

18 Total Death Count = 11 – 18 Million
Who Were the Victims? Jews Roma (Gypsies) Disabled People Homosexuals Jehovah’s Witnesses Catholic Priests Christian Pastors Non-whites Communists Non-supporters Total Death Count = 11 – 18 Million






24 -Ivan Kershaw, historian
“The road to Auschwitz was built by hate, but paved with indifference.” -Ivan Kershaw, historian

25 Learning Targets I can explain the initial stages of the Holocaust, including sterilization. I can explain why no countries intervened to stop the Holocaust. I can identify groups targeted by the Nazis in the Holocaust. I can define anti-Semitism.

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