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SUNY Canton Facilities Project Update Miscellaneous.

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1 SUNY Canton Facilities Project Update Miscellaneous

2 2 Facilities Project Update Miscellaneous  SUCF PN 237A1 - Replace Floor Tile at Campus Center (Rendezvous) o Description - Removal and replacement of existing floor tile in Rendezvous and adjacent corridors to Cook and Payson. o Status - Complete.

3 3 Facilities Project Update Miscellaneous  SUCF PN 237A2 - Modifications to Motor Sports Lab, Nevaldine o Description - Installation of new access doors between the existing motor sports labs and replacement of existing exterior doors and frames. Repair, clean and prep existing concrete floor and finish with industrial grade epoxy paint system. Repair, clean and prep existing walls and finish with three tone paint scheme. Clean ceiling areas including bar joists, structural steel, conduits, light fixtures, fan coil units and piping. o Status - Complete.

4 4 Facilities Project Update Miscellaneous  SUCF PN 237A3 - Upgrade Sidewalks o Description - Removal and replacement of deteriorated asphalt pedestrian walks at various locations including those adjacent to Nevaldine, Chaney, Campus Center, Rushton, Dana and Parking Lot 6. o Status - Complete.

5 5 Facilities Project Update Miscellaneous  PN L23016 - The Bernard Creighton & Jane M. Regan Memorial Flag Station o Description - Construction of new flag station at the Campus entrance. o Status - Complete.

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