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Nonverbal Components of Delivery

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1 Nonverbal Components of Delivery
Personal Appearance, Eye Contact, Facial Expression, Posture, and Proxemics

2 Personal Appearance Way you dress, groom, and present yourself physically Speaker’s dress should be appropriate to the occasion Wear attire that is neither too revealing nor too restricting Personal appearance is a complex combination of social norms, cultural and generational influences, and personal style

3 Eye Contact Visual contact with another person’s eyes
Eye contact’s functions include: way to greet and acknowledge the audience before the speech begins, way to gauge and keep our audience’s interest, and way to communicate sincerity and honesty For effective eye contact: make eye contact with many people in the audience rather than a few friendly faces and look with interest

4 Facial Expression Your face plays a central role in communicating with your audience, letting them know your attitudes, emotional states, and inner thoughts Facial expression is the movement of your eyes, eyebrows, and mouth to convey reactions and emotions Can use facial expressions to communicate your own interest in your topic, your agreement or disagreement with a point, your openness to an idea, and your feeling about an issue

5 Posture Way we position and carry our bodies
People perceived as confident and relaxed or tense and insecure based on posture Nervousness can affect our posture

6 Gestures Movements, usually of the hands but sometimes the entire body, that express meaning and emotion or offer clarity to a message Gestures should be as natural as possible Vary your gestures, use gestures that fit your message, and stay relaxed

7 Proxemics The use of space during communication
Be mindful of how far away you are from your audience as well as how elevated you are from them The farther away you are, the stronger the idea of separation

8 Rehearsing Your Speech
Remember, the more you practice, the more natural you will sound.

9 Rehearsing Your Speech
Practice giving your speech aloud using your speaking outline Practice all stories, quotations, statistics, and other evidence until you can deliver them exactly as you want When you are comfortable with your material, practice your speech in front of a mirror

10 Rehearsing Your Speech
Now tape your speech and listen for vocal variety Practice your speech again, incorporating the verbal and nonverbal changes you worked out in steps 1 through 4 Now practice a few times in front of a friend Stage a dress rehearsal

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