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Bloodshed in Kansas Chapter 15, Section 3.

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1 Bloodshed in Kansas Chapter 15, Section 3

2 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Stephen Douglas of Illinois introduced a bill to set up a government for the Nebraska Territory Stretched from Texas, north to Canada and Missouri west to the Rocky Mountains.

3 Kansas-Nebraska Act Kansas Nebraska Act Proposed by Stephen Douglas
He proposed dividing the Nebraska territory into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska Popular sovereignty would decided the issue of slavery

4 Undoing the Missouri Compromise
Kansas-Nebraska Act would undo the Missouri Compromise Missouri Compromise had banned slavery in Kansas in Nebraska

5 Undoing the Missouri Compromise
Southern leaders supported the Kansas- Nebraska Act Thought slave owners from Missouri would move into Kansas So Kansas would become a slave state With the help of President Franklin Pierce, Stephen Douglas pushed the bill through Congress

6 Northern Outrage Northern reaction was angry Northerners protests
Slavery could now spread to areas that had been free for more than 30 years Northerners protests Challenged the Fugitive Slave Law

7 Northern Outrage Citizens of Boston poured in to the streets to stop a caught fugitive slave from being sent to the South Showed the antislavery feeling was rising in the North

8 Kansas Explodes Proslavery and Antislavery forces sent forces to Kansas to fight for control on election day when popular sovereignty would decide the slave issue

9 Rushing to Kansas Most new arrivals were farmers from neighboring states Moved for cheap land Few owned slaves Abolitionist brought in more than 1,000 settlers from New England Border ruffians: Proslavery settlers rode across the border from Missouri

10 Divided Kansas 1855 Kansas held elections to choose lawmakers
Hundred of border Ruffians crossed the border and voted illegally Helped elect a proslavery legislature

11 Divided Kansas New legislation quickly passed laws to protect slavery
People could be put to death for helping slaves Speaking out against slavery was a crime punishable with two years of hard labor

12 Divided Kansas Antislavery settlers refused to accept these laws
Elected their own government

13 The first shots 1856 a band of proslavery men raided Lawrence, and smashed the press of a Free Soil newspaper

14 The first shots John Brown, an abolitionist, who claimed God sent him t punish supporters of slavery, took his four sons to Pottawatomie Creek Drug five proslavery settlers from bed and murdered them These murders sparked more violence By 1856 more than 200 people had been killed That territory is known as Bleeding Kansas

15 Bloodshed in the Senate
Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was a leading abolitionist senator Denounced the proslavery legislation in Kansas Attacked southern foes, singling out Andrew Butler senator from South Carolina Butler was not in the senate on the day of Sumner’s speech

16 Bloodshed in the Senate
Days later Butler’s nephew Congressman Preston Brook marched into the senate and beat Sumner with a cane Southern defended brook’s actions Northerners saw it as evidence that slavery leads to violence

17 The Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was a slave that lived in Missouri for many years Later he moved with his owner to Illinois and then to Wisconsin territory was slavery was not allowed They returned to Missouri and Scott’s owner died Antislavery lawyers filed a lawsuit saying Dred Scott was a free man because he has lived in a free territory

18 A sweeping decision The case reached the Supreme Court
Dred Scott Decision Dred Scott could not file a lawsuit because as a black he was not a citizen Justices agreed slaves were property

19 A sweeping decision Congress did not have the power to outlaw slaver in any territory the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional slavery was legal in all territories

20 The nation reacts In the North many people held public meetings
Northerners feared that slavery could spread throughout the West

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