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MOTIVATION A set of processes concerned with the force that energize behaviour and directs it towards attaining some goal. It is the need that leads to.

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Presentation on theme: "MOTIVATION A set of processes concerned with the force that energize behaviour and directs it towards attaining some goal. It is the need that leads to."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOTIVATION A set of processes concerned with the force that energize behaviour and directs it towards attaining some goal. It is the need that leads to motives resulting in motivation. Motive is an inner state or drive which stimulates action.

2 A hungry person goes to a hotel and takes food
A hungry person goes to a hotel and takes food. Hunger is the need and quenching hunger is the motive which motivates the hungry person to go to a hotel and act to consume food. The relationship between needs, drives and goals makes integral part of motivation. Motivation leads to better morale. If morale is high, employees are satisfied and contented about their tasks, working conditions, compensation, work environment. High Motivation High job satisfaction High Morale

MASLOW’S NEED HIERARCHY THEORY Self Actualization Esteem Needs Affiliations Needs (Social Needs) Safety Needs Physiological Needs

4 Physiological needs like hunger, thirst etc. is the primary need.
Safety/Security is the second in the hierarchy. Social/nature of human relationship/need for sense of belonging fall third in the hierarchy. Esteem/Ego needs represent both the needs for importance, status, recognition, appreciation, respect, knowledge, competence, achievement, self confidence, reputation. Self actualization is the need for self-fulfillment in every individual. According to Maslow “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is ultimately happy. What a man can be, he must be”. This is self -actualization.

Dr. Frederick Herzberg, a clinical Psychologist is one of the recent contributors to behavioural approach to management. HERZBERG’S TWO FACTORS MODEL Motivation - Hygeine Factors A. Achievement, recognition for achievement, intrinsic interest in the work, responsibility and advancement lead everyone to satisfaction and contribute very little to job dissatisfaction.

6 B. Company Policy and administrative practices, supervision, interpersonal relationships, working conditions salary contribute very little to job satisfaction. According to Herzberg, A are the motivators B are the hygiene factors. Any organization stresses and tries to improve hygiene factors to get rid of unpleasantness/dissatisfaction.

Proper Company Policy and administration. Conducive Working conditions. Proper remuneration Interpersonal relations with Supervisors, Co-workers, subordinates. Quality of supervision MOTIVATORS Achievement Advancement Recognition Responsibility Growth Opportunities.

To appreciate work done at the end of the day. To recognize work /creative ideas of the employee. To empower and assign responsibilities to the subordinates. Subordinate development and give scope/impetus to succession plan. Empathy and Human relation approach. Effective Grievance Redressal. Grievances to be nipped in the bud. Congenial work environment.

9 Appropriate leadership style
Participative approaches in problem solving with one or two alternate solutions. Encouraging team effort and team work. Effective Counselling of the subordinates. Listening to the opinions. Objectively appraise the subordinates. Planning career path of the team members OJT and enhancing behavioral competence of the subordinates after identifying training needs.

10 By publishing achievements in the in-house journal.
Enriching the job profile and rotating them wherever required to develop their multi-skills. Giving importance to the suggestion made by the subordinates to a particular case. Encouraging initiative by the subordinates.

11 We the Sheela family motivates our members and distributors as under:
By way giving High Achiever Award in every month’s GGSM to recognize the achievement of the department. Long Service Award is being instituted, recognizing long service of the employee in the organization and this will be given away during Distributors Meet. By giving away awards for highest target achievement product-wise in each territory during Distributors Meet.

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