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Cell Structure and Parts. Cell Similarities Cells come in many different shapes and sizes and perform a wide variety of functions but they all have the.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Structure and Parts. Cell Similarities Cells come in many different shapes and sizes and perform a wide variety of functions but they all have the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Structure and Parts

2 Cell Similarities Cells come in many different shapes and sizes and perform a wide variety of functions but they all have the following things in common

3 Cell Membrane Support and protect the cell

4 Organelles A structure within a cell, sometimes surrounded by a membrane

5 Cytoplasm Cellular fluid surrounding a cell’s organelles

6 Two Types of Cells Eukaryotic Prokaryotic

7 Prokaryotic Cell A cell that does not have a nucleus or any other membrane covered organelles

8 Bacteria Extremely small, single-celled organisms without a nucleus, prokaryotic cells

9 Eukaryotic Cell A cell that contains a central nucleus and a complicated internal structure

10 Nucleus The membrane-covered organelle found in eukaryotic cells Contains the cell’s DNA and serves as a control center for the cell

11 Cell Wall A structure that surrounds the cell membrane of plant cells Provides strength and support Rigid, gives the plant cell the box-shaped appearance

12 Ribosome A small organelle in cells where proteins are made

13 Endoplasmic reticulum A membrane-covered cell organelle that produces lipids, breaks down drugs and other substances, and packages proteins for delivery out of the cell

14 Mitochondria Cell organelles surrounded by 2 membranes that break down food molecules to make ATP

15 Chloroplast An organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs

16 Golgi Complex The cell organelle that modifies, packages, and transports materials out of the cell

17 Vesicle A membrane-covered compartment in a eukaryotic cell that forms when part of the cell membrane surrounds an object and pinches off

18 Vacuole A large membrane- covered structure found in cells that serves as a storage container for water and other fluids

19 Lysosome A special vesicle in a cell that digests food particles, wastes, and foreign invaders

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