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Stress and Burn-out Definition of stress: Stress is the physical and mental Pressure or tension exerted either From within the person or from the Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress and Burn-out Definition of stress: Stress is the physical and mental Pressure or tension exerted either From within the person or from the Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress and Burn-out Definition of stress: Stress is the physical and mental Pressure or tension exerted either From within the person or from the Environment causing one to be Distressed.

2 Stress and Burnout Continue… 1.Personal risk factors: Type A personality: Tense, restless, hard-driving 2.Obsessive tracts: Meticulous person 3.Procrastinator: Self-blaming type, over-identification with job, can’t say no

3 Stress and Burnout Continue… 4.Individual is the cause: Perception of events, self talk, self imposed negative rules, -Never say no to people. -Never make a mistake Please everyone 5.Sexual factors: Look at support system

4 Stress and Burnout Continue… 6.Psychological effects of stressors: Impaired thought process, emotional helplessness, emotional response, anxiety 7.Anger and aggression: Apathy and depression 8.Causes of stress at work: Organizational problem, poor status, pay, promotion

5 Stress and Burnout Continue… 9.Unnecessary rituals: Procedures, time consuming paperwork, many returns to be completed, too many meetings. 10.Uncertainty and insecurity: Frequent changes of policy; Lack of proper planning; Difficult structuring of time.

6 Stress and Burnout Continue… 11.Specific causes: Unclear role specification, frequent clashes with superiors, inability to finish job, poor communication. 12.Responsibilities of the job: Poor communication; Difficult clients, isolation from colleagues support.

7 Stress and Burnout Continue… 13.Stress at home: Caused by partner, children, domestic arrangement, environmental pressure 14.Work stress, job burnout: Debilitating psychological condition, experiences feeling of exhaustion, weariness, loss of enthusiasm, tired when going to bed.

8 Stress and Burnout Continue… 15.Lowered resistance: Complains of frequent colds; Gastric ulcers; Headaches, insomnia 16.Continuation: Decrease or increase appetite; Hypertension, arthritis and eventually depression

9 Stress and Burnout Continue… 17.Increased dissatisfaction and pessimism: Show dissatisfaction of things; Failure to cope with work demand, don’t enjoy work. 18.Increased absenteeism and inefficiency: Signs of lowered morale, withdrawal, failure to cope with work demand.

10 Stress and burnout continue… 19.Strategies, coping with stress: Understand the nature of job; Raise consciousness at work; Listen to your body, Take control of your perceptions. 20.Continuation: Lower your expectations; Organizational strategies

11 Stress and burnout continue… 21.Additional notes: What causes stress? Internal stressors, External stressors 22.Symptoms of stress: Emotional symptoms, Afraid, bored, lonely, depressed, Behavioral symptoms, Get emotional, drink, smoke.

12 Stress and burnout continue… 23.Cognitive symptoms: Cannot make decisions Less creative Poor concentration Forgetful 24.Physical symptoms: Hypertension, sweating, heart pounds, dry mouth, stomach feels funny

13 Stress and burnout continue… 25.Occupational symptoms Take more days off Less motivated Less concern for others Difficult to talk with stress

14 Stress and burnout continue… 26.How to manage stress: Healthy lifestyle Exercise regularly Regular balanced diet 27.Continuation: No smoking, Moderate drinking, recreation, Adequate sleep routine

15 Stress and burnout continue… 28.Time management: Work smarter, not harder Set goals and routines Decide on priorities Do one thing at a time

16 Stress and burnout continue… 29.Continuation: Maximize rewards Assess your time use. Break tasks down Plan, use time effectively

17 Stress and burnout continue… 30.Change the way you think: -Change negatives to positives; -Don’t distort, think; -Ignoring important things; -Taking things too personally

18 Stress and Burnout Continue… 31.Continuation: Effective self talk; Marking mountains out of mole-hills; Over generalizing Focusing on unimportant details. 32.Establish social and work support. 33.Relaxation.

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