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Chronic Stress why you have ulcers and zebras don’t julia king tamang LERN annual conference 2008.

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2 Chronic Stress why you have ulcers and zebras don’t julia king tamang LERN annual conference 2008

3 The ultimate stress book Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: Stress, Performance & Coping — Robert Sapolsky, PhD

4 The zebra and the lion The zebra’s stress lasts about 3 minutes

5 You and me

6 Homeostasis – the ideal state Homeostasis ◦ A systemic balance continually regulated by bodily mechanism ◦ When you receive a stressor, it knocks you out of homeostatic balance

7 The Stress Response and its consequences Seven biological changes that enable the body to focus all its energy on immediate survival—whether you need to or not! ◦ 1. Mobilization of Energy ◦ 2. Increased Cardiovascular Tone ◦ 3. Suppression of Digestion ◦ 4. Suppression of Growth ◦ 5. Suppression of Reproduction…

8 The Stress Response and its consequences Seven biological changes that enable the body to focus all its energy on immediate survival—whether you need to or not ◦6. Suppression of Immune System ◦7. Sharpening of Cognition

9 So, how are you still alive? Sapolsky wanted to know, so he ran experiments on rats. ◦The rat, like a human, could recover from a stressor if there was  An outlet or support for the irritation experienced  A sense of predictability or control  A perception that the situation might improve  Social support

10 What about humans? The second most important predictor of mortality is degree of social connectedness. ◦Studies show a three fold difference in life-length for people who have a strong social network ◦By the way…  The top predictor is is socio-economic status ◦ So avoid poverty if you can

11 When we want stress Humans find mild and transient stress stimulating ◦A challenge ◦Tickling ◦A poker game ◦A scary movie Mild stress creates increased dopamine levels—which can be addictive

12 Stress addiction Enjoyable stress produces dopamine, which is pleasurable ◦But the dopamine levels decrease over time ◦Then, it takes even more stress to create the same pleasurable experience Especially when people feel they are relatively safe ◦Like roller coasters and fun houses at Halloween

13 The Big Cheese baboons Sapolsky’s studies in Africa show that higher ranking baboons and higher ranking humans suffer less from stress-related diseases But rank is not enough protection, personality also matters

14 The traits of stress hardiness You can tell the difference between things that are threatening and things that are neutral You do not feel immediately helpless when threatened – you have a sense of efficacy You can tell when you have one or lost – you can tell if an outcome is good or bad You do not tend to mope over loss

15 The baboon fountain of youth Younger baboons who had these traits outlived their cohort by up to three years ◦They can live for up to 45 years

16 Who ages well? How society treats you well helps determine how well you age ◦For example, in Africa, older people show little sign of geriatric depression, as opposed to here, even though their general circumstances are worse ◦But in Africa, elders have a respected and defined role ◦People aspire to this role throughout their lives ◦Elders are neither isolated nor disrespected

17 Which humans cope well? Those who have a paradigm to make sense of things ◦Like religion Those who can compartmentalize stress into real, but manageable parts Those who are not in denial do best in the long run

18 When control helps In a study, doctors discovered that patients who had unlimited access to pain medications actually took less Nursing home patients who had plants to care for had fewer emergency needs Having more access to info about what will happen to you creates fewer medical difficulties

19 Is there a lion – or not? Stress can be a habit When you’re stressed, ask ◦Is there danger or not? ◦Can I realistically do anything? If so, what? ◦Can I make sense of this? ◦Do I have control? ◦Can I learn more about this?

20 Be well!

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