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Stress What it is and how to cope. A definition of “stress” A combination of thoughts and worries that have negative affect on the body’s responses What.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress What it is and how to cope. A definition of “stress” A combination of thoughts and worries that have negative affect on the body’s responses What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress What it is and how to cope

2 A definition of “stress” A combination of thoughts and worries that have negative affect on the body’s responses What do you think when you are stressed? What do you feel when you are stressed?

3 Phases of Stress  Alarm: sudden response to danger  Adrenaline rush followed by quick decrease when danger passes  Vigilance: stay alert, response level does not go down immediately  Free cortisol: hormone secreted by body in stress  When vigilant, builds up in your body’s fluids

4 Predictors of Stress  Negative situations  Positive situations  Personality—some are less able to adapt to stress  Introverts do not habituate well  Less reactive people can handle stress  Hassles—regular demands or inconveniences  Secondhand stress  People surrounding you are stressed  Women are more affected by this than men—women express, men withdraw

5 Negative Signs of Stress  Emotional signs  Irritability  People are low information processors—max out on info processing when stressed b/c constantly thinking of things  More information makes you angry, see everything as serious  Sadness, depression  Apathy  Anxiety  Free-floating anxiety: constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop  Mental fatigue  Forget things, what you meant to do  Overcompensate or live in denial by taking on extra work

6 Negative Signs of Stress  Behavioral  Avoidance  Other people stimulate us, so we stay away  Might this be good?  How can this be bad?  Do things to extremes  What do you do too much of when stressed?  Cause oneself administrative, legal problems  Rushing leads to accidents  How could this affect your family?

7 Negative Signs of Stress  Physical  Sleep too much, too little  Weight issues  Headaches, migraines  Digestive problems  Aches and pains  Get sick more because immune system is low  Over self-medicate  Injuries  Physical exhaustion—cannot get enough sleep

8 Coping with Stress  Time and situation management  Gather feedback about how you spend time  How can you measure how you spend your time?  P R I O R I T I Z E  What has the least consequence if you don’t do it?  What do you do now that you could stop doing?

9 Coping with Stress  Physiological and Behavior Strategies  Keep fit and avoid sickness  How does exercise help?  Activity makes us tired—sleep better  Eat well (more “good for you” foods) to metabolize better  Get rid of germs with healthy habits  Flu shots  Wash hands  Gargle with salt water  Relaxation techniques

10 Coping with Stress  Cognitive methods—change how you think  Replace irrational beliefs with reasonable thoughts  i.e., Perfectionism or total self-reliance  acceptance of fallibility and asking others for help  Take a problem-solving approach—don’t just wallow in self-pity  Learn to say “No” and be assertive  Use ERA statements  Empathy  Rationale  Action

11 Communication Attributes of Less Stressed People  Self-disclose appropriately to a friend  Use positive self-statements and surround selves with positive people  4 C’s  Commitment: what you do is important  In Control: internal locus of control, make choice to reduce stress  Challenge: view potential stressors as challenges, not problems  Conscientiousness: stay on task early on, get over stress early

12 Practicing Stress Management  Write for 15 minutes about things that stressed you recently and how they made you feel  Relaxation Response  Progressive Muscle Relaxation

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